Deja vu descriptions from the internet

Oct 07, 2006 23:43

As far as Deja Vu goes, I have been annalyzing it for quite a while now and come up with a few conclusions. When I was younger I would be in my room and playing with toys on multiple occasions. I did this countless times and then I moved in with other relatives for a few months and then back to the same house and the same room a few months later.

While I was in the room, I sat down on my bed and I reached for a toy and I was hit with a strong feeling of deja vu. I had that subtle picture in my mind of having done this before and the feeling that this was the first time that I had done it this way.

A few years later I was working at a job that I had been at for a few weeks, following the same routines every day (but not at the same times, generally). One day I was sitting down on my break outside and I happened to look in a certain direction and I saw a car that I had never seen before but I had that feeling that I HAD seen it at a previous time...

I've had quite a few experiences with deja vu myself. Whenever it happens to me it feels as if my body has so much "energy" coursing through it that may flesh can hardly contain it. It is though the Divine passed near by and my soul longed for the Divine, like iron shavings desire the magnet. Someimes I'll have so many that them seem to lose their numinosity, and sometimes I'll go months without any experiences.

c)I have an unusual memory, which enables me to recall events in detail, right back to when I was a baby (I am 60)~ and not just significant matters.
Anyway, I can generally relate my deja vu experiences to previous dreams, and as much as anything, it recaptures the particular dream "feeling", so possibly the "feeling" makes the brain fabricate the apparent visual, etc., similarity to the events just prior to the deja vu experience.
Further, I have an actual dream past, whose events form the basis of my past, but only recalled from my perspective, while dreaming.
I get deja vu a lot. Even moreso in my dreams.. I wish we could remember the stuff we need to remember when we're awake, to understand what happened in our dreams. It's tough business.

I also find that deja vu in my waking state is usually in some random time, but sometimes when I've got a certain 'feeling' about going somewhere, I get deja vu and it makes me wonder if the reason I was tempted to not go was because I'd done it already.... hmm.

would like to hear some thoughts about deja vu. It's been happening to me almost every day now. I have dreams about things that seem normal and then they happen, over and over again. I've had deja vu before but lately it seems different. I get this terribly unsettling feeling...sick to my heart skips a beat and it's hard to breath. I'm kind of scared becuase i feel as if i am trapped in a never-ending loop. doomed to relive the same moments over and over again.

there are meant to be different kinds of deja vu. like your normal deja view of experiencing this before. then there is deja vu of experince this moment while experiencing deja vu. like looking in a mirror at a mirror. endless. i don't know if you could ever explain deja vu. its sort of a parralel experience that when completely experience you don't need to explain it. i have had experiences where i've experienced deja vu as a sort of calling. the experience would come on and then i would realise it, then realise somthing must be done. i haven't done that thing that i feel must be done yet, but maybe once you do, you become one with the moment and continue in that stream of conciousness. maybe thats what deja vu is. a calling to live in the moment.

Well i have been having over occuring de ja voues. In bed while i am doin my casual thinking i have these de ja voues about thinking like i have thought this before like a reoccuring thought process that you weren't thinking about but the image in your head decided to be the de ja voue experience of this object.

It's kinda weird, it has happened to me quite often to. Also i am having reoccuring visions of the time 11:11 every night for the past 5 weeks.

Usually my de ja vue experiences are not from dreams but i think de ja vue has some serious kinks to be worked out before we say its from dreams or anything...

The image de ja voue that i am having i like to call psycho visionary de ja voue, kinda like a dream except you see it while your awake but you've seen it somewhere in a dream or something like that...

f) deja vu is a funny one, its not easily comprehendable as in not easy to explain why it happens and when it happens.
I have experienced such a feeling where 3 nights in a row i went to work and had the same re-occuring feeling un-concisouly in my journey to work, there was just things that i could have done so much different in getting to work those days but without my realising until a later date i realised i did exactly the samethings on all 3 days, like catch the bus, same buss over 3 das and same seat, with same spots i happen to light my ciggarete and smoke, precise about my movements and how i direction myself to get to my destined target, trains at the same time, iconism and symbols re-occuring and leading me to a greater understanding of why iw as recieveing this deja-vu, its all there you can all understands the power of the phenomena, its just up to oneslf if you want to follow it and chase the signs and symbols in order to find out what was designatedto tell you in the first place.
Interestingly enough I have had several conversations recently that I am certain I have had before.. The surroundings were even the same.. I felt like I wanted to hurl kind of.. Not like puking cause I was drunk, but I wanted to hurl, b.c of how odd the sensation was.. I dont really know what to make of it.. I suppose I was experiencing something that just didnt feel like it should be happening. Kind of took away from that moment. And took me by surprise.. I hope I experiences those types of things less and less.. Things tend to feel right, when they are fresh..
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