Satire is hard. There's a fine line between funny and stupid, but when the line is walked, it's fucking brilliant.
A few days ago, I was introduced to emogirl21.
Watch her video.
After a good laugh at her over-the-top angst, I decided to delve more deeply into this crazy freak. Well, it just got deeper and deeper.
Apparently, she was responding to a video she saw by EmoKid21Ohio.
Such angst.
After a giggle, I watched a bit more...
and on and on and on....
Pure comedy gold with these guys. From angst-filled poetry to songs that changed their lives to crying about a dead bird, these guys never cracked or showed any signs of their ruse. They hit an accidental nerve and turned thousands of people on with their emo angst.
Here are the links for the whole sordid mess. (For some reason it posts the most recent first, so you have to start at the bottom.)
emogirl21meganEmoKid21Ohio I highly recommend them from beginning to end. Then watch the take-offs. My favorite is
EmoDad47Michigan Of course, they are all fake. Emogirl went on
Something Awful and blew the whistle on themselves. It's too bad, because they were doing such a great job of it. Thousands of people were replying, and emogirl21 was well on her way to Numa Fame with links on hundreds of sites.
Maybe it was all the hate from anti-emos or maybe it was the guilt of all the "connections" from a vast majority of emos themselves (the very people they were satirizing) but for whatever reason, this phenomenon stopped before it really got started.
Shame, because it had such potential.
Apparently, Matt and Amy received a request from CBS who wanted to do an interview with them about bullying. They had to come clean, so they probably won't be doing it, but it's amazing just how far their parody went. Brilliant.
And Emogirl is continuing. Good for her...she's STILL fooling people. I love it.