My only thought on the Jackhole giving the invocation at Obama's inaugural.

Dec 20, 2008 12:57

(sigh) Let's try this again.

Democracy is advanced citizenship.

Yes, the man is a Bible-thumper who is on record with some skewed and hateful views. But if we REALLY wanted to be radical, we'd point out that religion and politics should not meet and there should be NO religious themes, messages or participation at the ceremony. That means no Bible, no Koran, no "so help me God" ... nothing. Sign here. Congratulations, Mr. President: Here are your keys, launch codes and a 10% off coupon good at all participating Starbucks.

But this is America. Despite what we "enlightened" atheists and agnostics believe, there are a lot of folks out there who take great comfort in their God and His rulebook. They must be included in the celebration. They deserve it.

The point of Obama's presidency, the thing that makes him better than the gang of Republican thugs who want to hold on to their turf in Washington, is that he is INCLUSIVE.

It is so much better to put the bad ideas before the public for their inspection than shoving our enemies in a closet and gagging them. Let TRUTH speak to power. Let the people hear for themselves the message and then measure its value.

What did we learn from this election? That the BEST weapon McCain had against Obama was guilt by association and the easy, logical and RIGHT answer coming out of his campaign was this: You can LISTEN to and SHARE A STAGE with people who do not share your values. You can disagree and remain respectful.

Obama is telling us that this is NOT the White House belonging to the 52% who voted for him. We've had enough of that over the last eight years. We may feel we're entitled to a few years of left-leaning, exclusive power over the right, but that is not the point.

The White House belongs to everybody. It is your house as much as the biggest right-wing freak show with a citizenship. Obama is saying that this is not an inauguration for Barack Obama -- it is a celebration of the the American process and a ceremony important to ALL Americans.

Barack Obama did not betray you or us or America by giving an idiot a microphone. The man doesn't need the publicity. He sold 20 million copies of his book. Hell, I own a copy (my father in-law gave it to me at the wedding) so this isn't about building up the guy's base. It is about telling the supporters of Rick Warren something that SO many groups did not hear during the last 8 years:

Your opinion matters to me. I will listen to you. I will not dismiss you because of who you are or what you believe. You are as much a part of America as anyone else. I may not agree, but there is a place for you at this table.

Did Dubya do that?

I'm actually pleased that we have a President who has opened his White House to good people of all kinds. Rick Warren is not getting a cabinet seat. He is saying a prayer. Lord knows we need all the prayers we can get these days.
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