Sands of Time..and Mars House

Feb 02, 2012 11:41

Has it been that long?

Wow, nearly a month has pasted since my last post. It hasn't been totally uneventful, either - there was a storm that dumped rain in near epic proportions during MLK weekend, plus the usual (and unusual) goings on of a MAD scientist.

First, there has been the training of Eddie the Izzard, the half-grown bearded lizard acquired back in October 2011. Back then, he was about 7 inches long - now he's close to 15 inches and getting large enough for a leash/harness. Here is is watching a slide show of insects while learning how to play digital music...

Eddie the Izzard mastering bug ID and digital music..

The MLK Flood

Rain, rain go away! Or at least, get rid of all the damned clouds! The past month has been wetter and much cloudier than normal, culminating in a flood of semi-epic proportions. On the Saturday before MLK day, we had about 5 inches of rain - of which over 4 inches fell within two hours. The backyard become a swamp and the front a small river..

Looking out form the front door of the Man Cave to the neighbor's yard.

The neighbor's front yard - a recently acquired 'foreclosure' house.

Too bad they didn't drop by that day for remodeling - I think they would have been shocked.

Critters R US

Right now Mars House has a small zoo of pets and critters - including 2 cats (PC and Shadow Kitty), Eddie the Izzzard, a rosy boa, 9 tarantulas and 4 scorpions. This past week has been one of changes. I acquired two new and showy scorpions (pictures to come) at Repticon 2012. My big female emperor is very fat and pregnant, and there may be babies sometime this spring or early summer. OTOH, one the smallest tarantulas was found in a 'death curl' (a small Trinidad Chevron) a few days ago.

Both of our large male Chilean Rosehair Tarantulas have undergone their maturation or ultimate(final) molts and have made sperm webs. Males generally only live 6 months to 1.5 years after their final molt (females live much longer - up to 10 to 15 more years). The most showy - a 5-inch male called "Gomez" needs to get laid before he passes on.

Gomez the stud tarantula!

Doesn't he look all buff and ready to rock n' roll with a lady rosehair? Of course, she might kill and even eat him, but that's the risk a male tarantula is willing to make.

And finally, a picture of Mars! (It is after all - Mars House)

shiny, spiders, mars

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