Weekend Weird...
Its been a strange, weird week since the last post. Nasty storms on Friday night and
pixelmonster developing
gastroparesis, a truly nasty condition that makes other digestive aliments seem like brief belch and a tummy rumble. Since then she's lost more than 25 lbs and has been restricted to a bland, liquid diet. Even with this diet and meds, her gut spasms can reach pain thresholds of 8 to 9+..
On Sunday, an online coin dealer decided to stiff my purchase by increasing the price (due to the recent silver bullion spike) after I had sent in the PayPal purchase. In other words, instead of honoring the advertised price - he sent me a NEW bill for more $$ - a reflection of greed on his part. Of course, I refused to pay the increase and sent him a terse response. He refunded my $$, but not before complaining to the owner of the site (
VCOINS) and getting the doctor "blacklisted" and my site access has been mostly cutoff. (Even though things are resolved, and $$ refunded, *somehow* this still happens)
I do have dealer friends that I've contacted to help my cause, but what a friggen little bastard.
OK, enough with the drama and BS, what sort of pretties does the Doctor have?
Image of Saturn - 4/14/11
One of the better images of an otherwise totally miserable imaging season.
A Snout Butterfly
Check out the 'honker' on this neat little butterfly.
A White Trillium - Sweetwater State Park
And finally, I imaged this guy in my backyard a couple days ago..
The American "Painted Lady"