Super-bowled, err, whut?
So, who watched the "Super Bowl" or even cared? I *think* I saw maybe 2 minutes of it. At least Big Ben Rapistburger, err..Roethlisburger didn't get "redemption" - as IF winning a SB "pardons" his sins.. Yeah, riight...
But other than visiting the "Warrior" on Saturday night and drinking lots of tasty home-brewed mead, it was a pretty quiet weekend. I did finally finish up on the SHINY backlog, so here's a few more to check out.
NGC 2438 - a planetary nebula in the open cluster M46
A great cosmic doughnut? Or the number of Super Bowl Victories won this year by the Steelers?
NGC 1999 - a diffuse nebula with a "cosmic hole"?
For many years, this odd-looking nebula was though to be partially obscured by a dark dust cloud called a "Bok Globule". But recent infrared studies with the Spitzer Orbital Telescope have shown this to be a literal "hole" in the nebula.
And now, something different...
A moderately deep Shot of M42, the Great Orion Nebula.
(It's BIG, its BOLD and made of the awesome!)
So f-list - what did you do this weekend?