Hot off from the State Email..
The state (EPD) plans not to renew the contract w/ Georgia Tech for radiochemical analysis of environmental samples. This network monitors areas around the nuclear power plants and the Savannah River Site or
SRS. The total amount saved is 100K is less than trivial when you consider the size of the Georgia Sate Budget (~ 18 billion for this FY).
Basically, the state will become effectively "blind" in its monitoring efforts. With each budget cut, this network has been shrinking over the past 5 years -but it looks like they have finally found a way to "kill it". Thus, another potential safeguard will be eliminated.
The lab will go on, its primary mission is tied in the EPA's mandated monitoring of drinking water supplies.
Furloughs - according to my program manager, it looks like I (unlike most in EPD) will be subject to only 3, instead of 12 furlough days. Labs are considered 'time critical' in nature - a saving grace even as they try to slash the program.