The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
Run! Hide! Thy DOOM is at hand!!! Store up 6-months worth of food and water! Aaaaah!!!!! OMGWTFBBQ!!! - *someone* has died from Captain Trips, er - the
"swine flu". Geez, has everyone gone off the collective nut on this crap? The *regular* flu kills on average 36,000 a year in this country - yet a media inspired panic mode is already calling this 'pandemic' is only just around the friggen corner.
Take proper precautions yes, but don't go into mass hysteria.
I have a couple other rants, but I'll hold back in favor of nice SHINY.
The Geico Gecko? No, just Mr.
Carolina Anole. I found this little guy a few days ago hanging out on a pecan tree near the carport.
pixelmonster saw him and said - "Oh yes, there are two of them - a green and a brown one.". No quite. *g* More like color phases of the same anole.'s a STINK BUG!
BTW, I did pick this guy up and he was kinda stinky. :-)
M64 - the Blackeye Galaxy (80mm Vixen refractor, Canon XS at 1600 ISO, 30 x 90 second exposures)
Putting th Red back - M17 the Swan Nebula
Old Image - 350 XT:
(Most DSLR's can't do the deep red of nebula - as apparent in the above image)
New Image - Modified Canon XS:
Methinks the new camera kicks some red nebula ass!
OK - time to pay up! The Shadow Kitty like her treats and scritches, the doctor could use some hugs!