The minions of Mothra

Aug 12, 2008 13:11

Imaging the insect world.

As many of you have already seen, I'm trying my hand in macrophotography. The 350 XT has a 28 -105 telephoto/zoom lens, plus I add anywheres from 4 to 6 diopters to boost the magnification factor even more. I've also found that my 75 - 300mm zoom lens is good at 'long distance' imaging of the natural world. On cloudy nights, it this makes for an interesting side hobby.

Let's start with a couple tiny moths:

First, a tiny 'snout moth' or Pyralid, the wingspan of only 15 -20mm.

The Pondside Pyralid - Munoressa iciusalis

Here's another small 'snout moth'...hellifiknow the species.


And now, two "true bugs".

A species of stilt bug.. size < 1/2"

This tiny specimen was hanging around on near my computer in the observatory. I imaged him while shooting a long exposure of a deep-space SHINY.

Look out - an Assassin Bug!

Scientifically, it is Microtomus purcis and you can read how it was found and imaged at this link.

photography, insects

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