I'm putting this up for posterity more than anything else, but if there's something here you'd like to know about, please hit me up for a lesson. Bolded items have handouts and are ready to go; Italic ones are partway there (handout XOR trial run complete)
- 101: Basics & Carving- 2h
- 102: Pinking & Filigree- 1h
- 103: Handsewing- 1h
- Leather Drinking Jacks (with sewing)- 2h, some prep
- Hardening Leather- 1h, some prep
- Gorget Making- 3h, extensive prep
- Sword Hangers (survey)- 1h
- Sword Hangers (circa 1600)- 1h
- Gilding leather- 1h, extensive prep
- Dice Cups & Scroll Cases (with sewing)- 2h
- Belts & Design Options- 3h
- Mug frogs w/secret braid- 3h
- Leather masks- 3h
- Plaster lasts- 2-4h (with or without Bondo)
- Shoemaking Options- 1h
- Unlasted Shoemaking (with sewing)- 2h
- Lasted shoemaking- 2h
- Practice Philosophy (Better Sparring & Don’t Back Up)- 1-2h with roundtable
- The Italian Goulash School of Defense (with Zhivana)- 2h
- Punking the Other Guy in the Head (roundtable)- 2h
- Roguing, Flanking, and Shutting Rogues Down- 2h
- Todde’s Buckler Fight- 1h
- Rapier Toys (Buckler, Baton & Cloak Making)- 2h with some prep
- Cuffs for hardware store gloves- 2h with some prep
Other Topics:
- Pewter casting with soapstone: 2 & 3-piece molds- 2h
- Tales of pavilion design & construction- 1-2h
- Period gaming
- Banner design & silk painting
- Persona (various levels)