(Day 8, Afternoon-into-Evening)
First, I translate and find the Ancient version of Spysweeper, complete with a worm program (most likely designed by the Wraith, but I won't know until Dr. Kavanaugh has had a chance to look it over), and now... groceries?
I seem to have found a database a bit like an automated grocery list. Since I'm not familiar with what kind of foods and materials the Ancients would have called by certain names (an orange could be something completely different by Ancient reckoning), I'm not entirely sure how much of this list is food or building material or what.
It's certainly an indication that the Ancients needed to be able to trade with other planets, or they exercised a mercantile system with colony planets. Given what I've heard about concerning the room with the holographic display of the Pegasus Galaxy 10,000 years ago, it's certainly possible that the Ancients colonized planets, and peoples like the Athosians could be distant descendants. Granted, none of the Athosians thus far have shown any signs of having the ATA gene, but from Dr. Beckett's research, very few people on Earth exhibit the gene, and we know from the initial holographic history that the Ancients did return to Earth when it looked like the war with the Wraith was going to be lost. It's quite possible that we might encounter people in the Pegasus Galaxy who have the gene, and if we do, than it's quite possible that the Ancients either intermarried with the local peoples just as they did on Earth, or the peoples in the Pegasus Galaxy are in fact distant descendants.
Considering that the Stargates have been found seeded throughout the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies, it's very possible that the humans were brought to both galaxies either by the Ancients, or the humans are in fact distant descendants. We know that the Goa'uld practice of slavery has further seeded humans throughout the Milky Way galaxy, and while the Ancients may not have exercised a similar attitude toward humanity as a whole, the Ascended contingent have a strict no-interference policy with humans, either as part of their belief structure as Ascended beings, or as a way to make up for past interference in humanity's past.
We're also aware of the theory that humanity as it stands now is the second incarnation of this physiological structure (four limbs, one head, two eyes, etc.), and that the Ancients are the first incarnation. Since they have either died or Ascended to a higher plane of existence, it stands to reason that, if the theory of evolution is true, the Ancients are the equivalent of a very advanced homo erectus while we are the homo sapiens, and we've lost their knowledge along the way, such as due to periods of time similar to the Dark Ages. To put it bluntly, the homo erectus contingent were bred out of the gene pool because the homo sapiens contingent were too numerous. If you can't beat them, join them? Either that, or there have been conflicts over the past 10,000 years between humans and the Ancients. Since the Ancients and the Wraith were at war, it's quite possible that homo erectus only fell because they were faced with a bigger monster than they themselves were.
The difference between the theory of evolution weeding out earlier incarnations of the human body and form and the situation with the Ancients is that the Ancients were more advanced than we are. Perhaps an entity similar to God (not the Goa'uld, but the Judeo-Christian Platonic ideal of a supreme being) hit a reset button? The Ancients were capable of Ascension, and if there was a higher power that was worried about its survival because the Ancients were popping up on its doorstep and saying "hi", it could have felt that humans were still a good idea, but not to give them enough power to directly challenge it.
Then again, if one considers that Earth civilizations rise and fall, it's quite possible that it happened on a universal scale -- when the Ancients fell, humanity rose. And when humanity falls, there will be another race to take our place of dominance in the universe. Hopefully, it won't be the Goa'uld, because the majority of them are arrogant idiots in love with the ability to command thousands of servants.
However, I will note that my doctorate is in linguistics, so it's quite possible that these theories aren't that well thought out, so it's better to keep them here, and then if they pan out, I can discuss them in further detail with one of the anthropologists on the expedition.
Considering that the Ancients needed shopping lists for food and supplies, however, they were not entirely a self-sufficient race, and would have relied on trading partners and/or colonies to continue to thrive. The war with the Wraith would have seriously hampered their efforts to survive, even if the Wraith weren't attempting to use the Ancients as food.
To Do List
1. sleep aid from infirmary.
2. lunch at some point.
3. find reference point for materials on translated shopping lists.
4. shower
5. find anthropologist
6. make report to Reichstadt and anthropologist