(no subject)

Apr 30, 2007 13:17

Hey Guys,

This just came through my inbox, I thought some of you might be interested.

Mickey K

Dear friends,

Today, an Indigenous baby born in Australia is statistically likely to have a shorter life than a child born in remote rural Bangladesh or Nigeria. We can take a real step towards ending this disgrace at next Tuesday's federal budget by demanding the Treasurer commit just a small portion of our bumper $16 billion surplus to ending this preventable injustice. The budget decisions are being made right now, so put your name to the petition and together we will end the inequality within a generation.


The solution to this problem is within our grasp - all that is lacking now is the political will to fund and implement it. A fully costed health strategy has already been approved by the health experts, including the Australian Medical Association. We have the support of Cathy Freeman and Ian Thorpe. Given the surplus, it would be inexcusable not to use next Tuesday's budget announcement to make the plan a reality.

Working together with the Close the Gap Coalition, GetUp is presenting our politicians with a plan to achieve health equality for Indigenous Australians. For an additional $460 million a year, coupled with targeted housing, education and nutrition policies, we can relegate third-world levels of diabetes, heart disease and pneumonia to the history books. The money is needed for doctors, clinics and a national roll-out of Indigenous health professionals - just a drop in the ocean when compared to last budget's tax cuts.

The challenge is great but the solutions exist. Success stories in Indigenous health are blooming around the country, but are largely small in scale due to lack of resources. The power, understanding and strategies are within our community to rise above complacency, disadvantage and despair. We can't afford to let another fat budget come and go. Tell the Treasurer today to put our money where the need is great and we'll deliver your urgent petition to Treasury before final decisions are made.


We're swimming in surplus - all that we need now is to show our politicians that Australians want to use this historic opportunity and end the inequality forever. Tell them, on the eve of the budget, and before they begin to congratulate each other over another great year, that we can begin this journey to close the health gap right now.


Thanks for taking action,

The GetUp Team

PS Please donate to this crucial campaign here or join the discussion on our blog
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