
Jan 04, 2008 03:13

We started drinkin', weren't thinkin' too straight
She was doin' 80 and she slammed on the brakes
Got so high we had to pull to the side
We did some shakin' till the middle of the night

Liz tapped her fingernails on the steering wheel as she drove. The New England highway was refreshing, even though the weather was dreary. There was plant life and open sky and the road seemed endless. The possibilities seemed to go on forever. It reminded her of her childhood, and she hummed along with the song, even though she wasn’t terribly familiar with it and it wasn’t really what she listened to.

She was good at catching on to tunes, had been since she was a girl. Good at reading people’s body language and tone as well. She’d seen the way he’d strode out last Friday. It had been nagging at her all week. He was quick to leave, they hadn’t talked since.

True, she was guarded around him. But he wasn’t exactly an open book, now was he?

She didn’t need to think about this now. This was her time to clear her head. She wasn’t even sure where she was going, to tell the truth. Driving out of New York had felt so liberating she’d just kept going. The minutes had turned to hours and now she realized she was driving in the general direction of Massachusetts.

Boston might be a fun place to poke around for the weekend, she thought. After the last few weeks, she really could use the distraction. Maybe she could even catch a show-the Pops or something.

Nodding to herself, Liz got out her cell phone. She looked through the Contacts list, got to the “J” section, and found the number she was searching for.

The number she dialed went straight to voicemail. Still drumming her fingers on the steering wheel, Liz left a message.

“Jordan, it’s Liz Rodgers. You available for drinks sometime this weekend? I’m on a little holiday in your fine town and thought I’d look you up. I think I’ll be staying somewhere downtown. Give me a call.”

After hanging up the phone, Liz changed the radio station. The first strains of a familiar tune began to play.

“Let us be lovers, we’ll marry our fortunes together,
I’ve got some real estate here in my bag,
So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner’s pies,
And we walked off to look for America…

Liz grinned to herself and sang along loudly, for a moment not having a care in the world.

"Laughing on the bus,
Playing games with the faces,
She said the man in the gabardine suit was really a spy,
I said be careful his bowtie is really a camera…”

word count: 462
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