Because it has to be said

Feb 16, 2006 08:31

[ooc: In response to this entry and episode 2.12]

There are a lot of things that I tolerate in the name of patience and compromise. It comes with the job description.

I'm just going to cut straight to the chase.

I have bent rules backwards, forwards and sideways for House like a contortion act ever since I granted him employment at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. I do this because, at the end of the day, I trust his judgments, however erratic they might be, however insane he is, however unethical his approach can be. Who knows, maybe I'm a moron for having so much faith in his capabilities, despite how skeptical I always am when he comes up with yet another scheme. His track record of medical successes is the thing that helps me maintain the faith in him, however, stupidly might I add.

At the same time, I keep close watch on him because I know how out of hand he can get, and I'm not afraid to pull him into line when he oversteps the mark, which is more than often.

He knows that. Everyone who wonders why the hell I ever damn well employed him in the first place knows that. And, you know, there are things he has done in the past that I have wanted to slap him so hard for he'd have to shove a toothbrush up his ass to clean his teeth.

But there is one thing that I want nothing more than to strangle him for, and that's self-destructiveness. He would call it "using himself as a guinea pig", and if I didn't give a crap about him, I'd see it the same way, too. If I didn't damn well care about his vicodin addiction and his pain management problem, I'd tell him to have fun six-feet under when the overdose finally kicks in; that him pumping his veins full of drugs to the point of stopping his heart would do everyone a favour. Because I sure as hell don't have a ream of paper long enough to jot down all the names of people he's managed to single-handedly piss off by simply opening his mouth during his near-decade-long employment at PPTH.

And rightly so, because he's a damn menace when he wants to be and when he goes about leaving a tornado trail of destruction with his vitriol and caustic remarks, I'm one of the main people who scurries after him and cleans up his mess while apologising at the same time to the people he's offended until I'm blue in the face. Because that's the responsibility I know I have to take on board as a result of keeping him employed at PPTH.

But the thing is, I do give a crap when he's self-destructing and it makes me so damn angry to see him do that to himself. I don't care what his excuse is -- science is not a just reason to be such a self-depreciating moron. In the midst of his infarction, I refused to stand by and watch him die when he went into white complex tachycardia, and I refuse to stand by now and watch him spiral into a damn junkie.

[locked to House]

House, I know you're reading this, and I quite frankly don't care if you are. You are an irresponsible, idiotic imbecile, with a wife and a child on the way, and you are doing drugs?? Science is a just cause for potentially risking your life? Science is a just reason to put your wife through unnecessary amounts of worry? Science is a just cause to set yourself up as an irresponsible father? Is that what you want to do? You want to leave that kind of legacy?

I've just about had it with you right now. I can't even begin to think how much you are terrifying your wife.

Stop being such a self-destructive moron. You are better than that, I don't care what you justify your reasons for doing these drugs are. You've gone on and on and ON about your vicodin addiction in the past, yet you fuel yourself with lysergic acid diethylamide and god only KNOWS what else??

House, don't make me lose my respect for you.


[music| Jackson Browne - Running On Empty]
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