RIP- The Taurus aka- The "Tore ASS"

Oct 06, 2005 23:52

A lot's been up since my last entry.

Steve-O (my roommate) was forced to leave our townhouse, which has been nothing but a shitty situation. I have decided to move out of my townhome and get an apartment with Steve in a complex that is literally right next to where I currently live.

My cats are starting to get big. They're still definetly a handful being that they love to run around and keep me up during the early morning hours. Bastards. No, they're really cool and I'm glad I got them. Sounds kinda dumb, but it's helped a lot more with the responsibility of living on my own now that I also have them to look after.

School's been ok thus far. I only have the one philosophy class, which hasn't been too much to handle. I tried to get added into a biology class that was full when I registered, but I was unable to so now I have to take 3 classes next semester instead of stretching out 2 now and 2 during the winter.

My car died on me on Monday. The engine was all screwed up and I knew it was only a matter of time before she gave. I guess I got good use out of it, even though it was kind of a lemon. I had it for about 2 years and in that time went through 2 transmissions, a brake job, and a wiring problem that left me with no turn signals and no heat for the majority of last year's winter. The good news is that my buddy Eric is selling me his Jeep Wrangler. He's giving me a great deal on it (only $800), and it's still in great shape. He's also throing in a brand-new 5 speed transmission with it even though the one that it has right now is fine. It'll be a nice little insurance policy for me to have, especially the way I have gone through trannys since I've had my license (3 in 2 vehicles). I'm psyched cause Wranglers are my favorite vehicles, and have been even before I had my license. I should have it by the weekend, if not tomarrow.

Work is starting to pick up again. They are giving me more hours again, which I really need. I also told my managers that my car died so I am going to need some extra ones and they told me that they would hook me up. I should be able to start saving money again real soon.

Last weekend was pretty awesome. Michigan beat Michigan State!! I admit hat I was a little skeptical, but I never lost hope that we could win. My boss is a MSU graduate and when I bragged about U of M to him his response was, "Yeah, and when did you graduate from Michigan!?!?!". I guess this means that I can no longer route for Michigan because I didn't go to college there!

All in all things have been kinda boring. I'm still getting re-adjusted to going back to school and having to balance work with it, as well. 53 more days until my 21st birthday!! November 28th! Mark your calendars!

I'm going to finish watching Rescue Me, so I'm out.

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