I Shocked The World!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 10, 2005 03:13

What's good everyone?

The Pistons blew it tonight, but thank God it's only game 1. There's a lot of series left to play and I am confident that they can get the job done.

Work wasn't too bad tonight, except the fact that I only made 6 bucks in tips. Not the best night in the world for money. I work tomarrow and Saturday night, so I am hoping I will make a little more money. We were kinda busy this week, which surprises me. It was hotter than hell, and I have no idea why people wanted to go inside a hot-ass restaurant to eat hot stir-fry. Whatever.

My drum lesson was pretty cool today. My instructor Matt has me working with this excercise that is kinda crazy. Too hard to explain.

Anyways, my sleeping pattern/schedule has been fucked up lately. I made the mistake of sleeping until 5 pm on monday after I unloaded the truck at work at 6am. Now, I can't seem to get to sleep until REAL early.

Well, I'm out.

Hugs, not drugs. AA is for quitters.

KC "muthafuckin" J
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