Brasky once had sex with a cigarette machine!!

Apr 06, 2005 02:44

Shit!! ASS!!! FUCK-SHIT-ASS!!! My tarets is going crazy because I have a test @ 8am, and I am NOT prepared for it. Whatever, I am so sick of school right now and can't wait for it to end.

I got my kick-ass $500 tax return today, which is great. I can pay off school for this semester and start saving money.

In other news, I have to have a minor eye surgery procedure done tomarrow afternoon. It's not really surgery, but the doctor called it surgery, so I am just relaying the message. A couple of days ago my eye starting hurting like I had something in it, but I couldn't get whatever the fuck it was out. Anyways, it still is like that and a little swollen, and turns out I have something small lodged in my cornia. I went to some over-night clinic on Saturday, and the those ignorant motherfuckers told me it was a reaction from my contacts....yet only one eye was messed up. I will never trust a Physician's Assistant again!! That's why they ASSIST doctors, and only go to school for 4 years! Anyways, I'm kinda nervous cause I have it today @ 3:30, but it shouldn't be a big deal. No one call me freaking out acting like I am having some fuckin' bipass surgery or something.

Anyways, what else is new with me??, not a whole lot, but I am gettin excited for summer. This nice weather is the shit and needs to stay here. I think I might have to bust out the ole shorts tomarrow if it's nice.

Thinking about changing my major lately. I don't think I can go to school for no 8 damn years, then have to deal with residencey and internship and all of that bullshit that doctors have to go through as med sudents. The money would be great, I would be helping people - another bonus, but I think I can still make money, help people, and do something I want to do and NOT go to school till I'm 30. I think I wanna teach, but at the college level. I love history and all of that, so I think I might pursue that kind of an angle. I want to write a book, but I don't know what about. That's not till like 20 years down the road, anyways. I think I should just concentrate on getting through community college before I start thinking about that shit. I just hate struggling with shit like the subjects I am studying. I don't like math, and it doesn't come easy to me because I don't really put all of my time and energy into learning it. Fuck it!! Why does math help me become a good doctor, or a teacher for that matter??!

Anyways, the fuckin' Tigers rocked the house on opening day Monday. Dmitri Young hit 3 home runs and had 5 RBI's!! I think they are going to be the shit this year!! Winning 11-2 ony shows you have good offense. It was against the worst team in the division last year, but fuck it!! <--- listen to me, rambling about the fuckin' Tigers!!! Aderall makes you do some crazy shit!!

Lets see, what else is new (still trying to delay studying)?? Work is going ok. I guess I'm up for a raise, which is nice. A friend of mine from work died on Friday, which is aweful. I only knew her for a month, but it really sucks. I can't go to her funeral tomarrow because of my surgery-thingey. It's just weird, because you have someone here one minute, then the next they are gone. It's crazy.

Quinten Terrantino movies are the absolute shit!!!! I'm watching Pulp Fiction right now, and it just never seems to get old. I should make a movie. I would, but you'll know I'm busy training to become a cage fighter, anyway.

I'm really pissed at my cousin right now. He's graduating from High School in Missouri this year and was offered a full scholarship to Southeastern Missouri State(could be southwestern, kinda a long name to remember) for some leadership thing, and I find out today he is going to turn it down to be a Marine. Nothing against joining the service, because I did the ROTC thing for a year and it makes you feel kinda proud, but here he is with a full-ride to go to college and he is pissing it away because some recruiter fills him with bullshit about killing people and looking good in a uniform. He's all like, "I'm gonna be in the Recon!! I am physically fit and the recruiter says guys like me are perfect for it!" He fails to recognize that that is the Marine version of the Navy SEALS, which has a 70-80% drop-out rate for the guys who try out. You don't make any money, and you have to kill people!! Who wants to kill people for 14,000 dollars a year!?!? WTF?!?! Who'd want to join-up right now anyway?? Yeah, go to Iraq! Fight for a cause that doesn't benefit your country what-so-ever! Make G.W. millions of dollars!!! dodge bullets and bombs from a gurilla terrorist enemy!! Sounds like a real rush!! Hopefully he gets his shit together and doesn't do it.

Anyways, that's about all for now. I am going to attempt to cram as much as I possibly can for this bullshit exam. Holla at the cellular device! KCJ
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