"A 'royal with cheese'!! what do they call a whopper? I don't know, I didn't go into Burger King"

Jan 26, 2005 00:05

The stress is starting to pile on because I have 3 tests next week. I want to get out to a good start being that it is the beginning of the semester so I need to study. I have my interview at Mongolian BBQ tomarrow and my cousin pretty much guranteed me a job there. It's kind of funny because I work at Circuit City and Mongolian is like 100 ft away from CC. This week hasn't been to bad, though. Monday I went to zoology in the morning from 8-11:15 (we got out a little early) then I decided that I was going to go to Waterford and surprise Slobby cause I haven't seen him in a while. We hung out and sharred a few dipskis...well, we didn't share them but we dipped and it was good. I got into a fight with my parents that night about my car, which left me in a shitty mood. My heater broke again so my uncle fixed it for me, but ironically my windshield wipers and my turn signals stopped working at the same time. My uncle got my wipers back up and running, but doesn't know what the deal is with my turn signals. I never realized how important they are when someone is tailgating you and you want to turn but are afraid you are going to get rear-ended. I have to take my car in to this guy who is a friend of the families to look at it, but I'm sure he is going to charge me unlike my uncle and I don't have any money until thursday and I still have to save it to pay for the rest of the semester and save for valentine's day with the mrs. My mom started bitching at me about not apprieciating my car or something, which is easy for her to do being that she works 20 hours a week but drives the newer car that my dad pays for. It's not fair that she can under apprieciate things and act like I do when I am only worried about getting into an accident and it being my fault cause I have no turn signals. Shelby came over that night and I was still pissed, but she made me feel better just by listening and being there for me. Today was ok. I just had math and after that I went to get my math book from Shelby's house and then went to go the police station to show them I have a new head light to erase my ticket. I got that done and on my way home Shelby called me and said she didn't have to go to cheerleading (she helps coach at durand highschool) so I invited her over to my aunt and uncles house for dinner. It was a good time and afterwards we came back and watched Real World. That's about all that is going on. I have class at 8 am tomarrow so I better get my ass to sleep. Peace out. KCJ
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