Blogging project...

Aug 27, 2008 19:53

My livejournal is hardly an active corner of the web. I use it to post an occasional meme I find entertaining, or an occasional rant about a subject that in my world needs ranting on. To be honest, my livejournal is *mostly* around so that I can read and comment on other people's LJs -- friends that I would have few other ways of keeping in contact with.

Normally I have no great need or want to throw my voice to the cyber-ether, and on the rare occasions I do feel gregarious the subsequent rants are often so verbose that I'm astounded that people have nothing better to do than read -- and comment!! -- on it. Many many times I've started a post, and six pages in realized that *I* don't even want to read this crap. So, I usually just delete it and promise myself to write a shorter post later -- a promise which usually goes unfulfilled.

However, I've been inspired. I really REALLY need to game, or do something gaming oriented. My friend Kevin has started up a blog for his gaming friends to spew on... and I find myself commenting or being provoked to lengthy internal monologues about some of his subject matter. So much so, that I have resolved to a gaming-blog project of my own. Toward's that end, I've created "Freud's Dice Box" as my own gaming-subject blog. (Don't bother checking it out now, I haven't finished setting it up or writing anything, but in a few days, who knows?)

This LJ will still be active, and the blog will be limited to game-related stuffs, everything else will still go here. I want to start writing regular-ish article-type things. I dunno. We'll see where this goes. Hopefully it'll curb my gaming cravings until I find a consistant group.
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