Warning I am slightly mehs tonight

Oct 03, 2011 00:45

SO I'm going to try and not get all :( on you guys. I'm just tired and not in a positive mind set right now.

Good things.

I was off today(Sunday)....I needed that

I have my au bingo card and it can be found HERE

Dad's DVRing Person of Interest for me and we watched Thursday's episode earlier today. I have to say I'm reallly really digging this show so far. It hits on a lot of my drama tv show buttons. People with ISSUES. Action, saving people, shades of gray.

I signed up for bandomstuffsit again this year. Hopefully things go well for it.

I submitted my horrorbigbang and Gala and I's co fic for that. I have confirmation emails for both. WOOT WOOT.

synnerxx now has a graphics/icon/mix comm and it's shiny. She made some icons that I adore. I really need to get on paying for a paid account so I can have space to use some of the icons she's made.

Not so good things.

I haven't written since Thursday.

I feel closed off and twitchy(which is never a good thing for me and I have to hide my ruler so I don't eye it)

I'm once again feeling like I'm a sucky friend/ maladjusted individual

It's October and I still work in retail, which means.......CHRISTMAS STOCK ALREADY. GOD, if anything will make a person who adores Christmas HATE IT WITH THE BURNING PASSION OF A THOUSAND FIERY SUNS...retail does the trick quickly. Nothing quashes the festive happy spirit more than bitchy, hateful customers and a cooperation who doesn't care that it's midnight in a rural town, you're going to be open till midnight the week before christmas regardless....and OH YOU WANTED TO BE OFF ON CHRISTMAS DAY.....NOPPPEE WE LOVE OUR MONEY MORE THAN WE CARE ABOUT YOU.....why yes I am bitter and dislike retail and its assholery

I'm ten k into my poly bb and seem to have no drive to write anymore right now even though I love the story and its weird pairing.

sorry I'm whiny tonight guys *HUGS*
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