Alright, folks.....if you will remember my very excited post from a few days ago, you will also remember that I said I would spill the beans when and if I got permission to do so. Well, guess what? I got permission. First off, because the person has close ties to the people who divulged the info who are involved in the shows production, I can't name them without them possibly getting in trouble (and they also don't want a mob banging down their door if the info they were given was wrong). I also can't name what convention they were told this at because it would be instantly known who spilled the beans (but from what I understand, it was a relatively recent one). So take this info with a grain of salt, because it could wrong or it could be right.
As we all know, the Dr Who season finale is going to be huge. We know Rose, the Daleks, Sarah Jane, Mickey, Jackie, and various others are all back. And so is Captain Jack. Here is where it gets interesting.
Someone let slip that the ENTIRE Torchwood team is also supposed to be involved in the Who finale. When this person was asked if this meant EVERYBODY, their reply was "Yes, everybody".
So we can take this one of two ways......that its just Gwen and Ianto with Jack after the deaths of Owen and Tosh at the end of TW S2. Or (and this one is my choice, because it gives me hope and will make watching the S2 finale easier) that somehow Tosh and Owen are restored and are also there.
So...its not definite proof or information, but it gives us some food for thought.