Apr 03, 2009 22:26
Whenever I'm put on a new drug, I usually catalogue the side effects and see how badly my body reacts. I've been on so many things to treat so many other things that I've really gotten quite used to this.
I've never had morphine this good, though. Certainly not with hallucinations this clear. I suspect Faust added something, but I can't bring myself to care. It's like that time I was in Kiev and someone slipped me mushrooms, without the bad trip.
List of notable hallucinations:
* Edgar Allen Poe on my windowsill. He was delightful company.
* Louis Pasteur beating Andrew Wakefield for that vaccines = autism bullshit that was going around decades ago.
* Isaac Newton talking with Albert Einstein.
* Plasmodium falciparum doing the tango with sickle-cell anemic red blood cells.
* A dire wolf in a fine three-piece suit reciting the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
* Komodo dragons singing Wagner's Die Walküre, which segued into the final scenes in Götterdämmerung where everyone dies.
* Ambrose Bierce singing Faust's final aria in Boito's Mefistofele.
...Oh, bonjour, Madame Curie. Comment allez-vous?
(OOC: The French translates to "Oh, hello, Madame Curie. How are you?")