Nov 17, 2008 21:45
Personal log:
I am bored out of my skull. Day in and day out I have to patch people up for injuries and nothing else. This ... helvete is depressingly sterile and the only microbes I can find are standard human flora. While these can be problematic on their own at times, given the right environmental factors, they're hardly on the same wavelength as the exotics I built a career out of fighting. I would love to see a plain, run-of-the-mill outbreak of Legionnaire's Disease for once-
на хуя?! What did you do?! Why am I a... Bakumon, tray, stat! ... Right. Hold it up.
Why am I a komodo dragon?
Is it that virus going around?
Godverdomme Digital World.
Bakumon, bring a petri dish. Kapurimon, swabs. Might as well make this worthwhile.
Komodo dragon saliva is laced with virulent bacteria, yet the reptile itself is immune to its own bacteria. ... They cause deadly infections and gangrene, Bakumon. Hurry up with that petri dish. It'll give me something to work on once I change back.
virus event