Advice; does y'all has any 4 mi?

Oct 02, 2008 17:04

Provecho: it started two years ago when i needed a job.

probably two years exactly. if not, then one month shy. but i think it's on the two year mark right now.

two years ago, i went there and said 'i will be your cook. i labored and helped put your floor in when i was a little homeless dude wandering the couve. i'll work like crazy for you!'

and that i did. never got scheduled for more than 25 hours a week. that was the height of it all, when i thought for a brief span of a week that i might actually get to work and not still be poor.

but that didn't last.

since then, i've done everything but go out on the floor and serve people.

two years later... i'm still more dishwasher than cook. I'm not even a real cook by title. I'm a 'prep-cook.'

Despite having proven my capability as a cook many times, i never received a promotion.

i was supposed to receive training, under juan. he's pretty cool, but i don't think that he knew i was supposed to get any training. ever. because i didn't.

on days that i was to work with him, to train for maybe three hours a week if i was lucky, i asked repeatedly if there was anything i could help with. but he never needed my help.

if he had, those few hours were a joke, anyway. i already knew how to make shit, i just needed a couple days of stress doing it myself and i would've been up to speed. a few hours wouldn't be piss compared to what i already knew.

they give us food, which is cool enough. but i've made everything on the menu a hundred times.

that's why it was a joke.

i got a raise once. after about one year. they gave me one dollar. at that rate, i might have financial responsibility mastered by the year 2021.

if they would give me more than 12-16 hours a week.

but, of course, they're not going to give me another raise again, ever, even if i do stay.

now i'm trying to ballance two jobs. provecho is low priority. my shifts are 3-4 hours usually, and then i go home and think about money. and get really, absurdly stressed out.

none of you know how fucking much a buck can stretch. or on how little i've had to subside, just to stay afloat.

and rightly as you shouldn't. i wouldn't wish this mess on anyone.

but on tuesday, when i my boss brought it up, i said 'yeah, i still need to get off early thursday.'

A-FUCKING-PARENTLY, he had forgotten that i had told him this last week. i was in no mood to remind him, but i probably should have. it relates to childhood problems, and not talkin' back. which i'm workin on, but what the fuck can you do when it's already over, right?

anyway, i got a great big talking to about that, and how he can't cover this and that shift and some other shit. which i only half listened to, because i was contemplating just walking out. which i'm still mulling over, and in fact leaning toward.

the irony, is that the previous shift i worked for them, i came in on my day off, when Archco wanted me to work, and gave my boss a silver dime that i found long ago when i worked at the quicky mart. for his birthday, which is why i came in.

actually, i came in because archco didn't call me first that day. and i needed the money.

because i always need the money. because if i didn't come when i whenever i was called, like a good little mutt, i would never have enough money to pay my bills, or do laundry, or eat.

even then, sometimes it sure was a damn fight just for those simple necessities =)

but that's ok. i like to fight for what i need a little.

but this has become a losing battle.

look at this here math, provecho, on average, gives me about 250-300 dollars every two weeks.

now, assume that durring any given shift at my new job, which i am pretty much the on-call guy for until i get out of provecho, i can get 10 hours of work, at the rate of 13 dollars an hour.

it was 10. but they gave me two raises within the first week BECAUSE I JUST ROCK THAT MUCH.

so, what's that, 130 bucks. given, it's rounded down to like 110 because of gas and taxes and misc. stuff, but whatever.

that would mean that in one day, (fine, before taxes, woo whatever), i could make roughly as much as i make at provecho in a week.

yeah... maybe i should've wrote that part about coming in on my day off, giving my boss a birthday present, and neglecting one of those highly lucrative nights at my new job *right here* instead.

not to mention that everyone there seems to have it in their heads that i have, let alone can afford, A DRUG PROBLEM.

yeah. i smoke me some pot. in fact, a lot of pot. which is freakin amazing that i can afford it, let me tell you. i don't even know. if i did the math, god might slap me for it, because there's no way it could be right, and i know it.

but i needs me some goddamned pot sometimes. seriously. helps me settle down and stop thinking about my money problems.

it's not that i am the best employee... sure, i fucked some things up.

i was painting the bosses house one time, and i just stopped. didn't collect money for the tools i bought, either. didn't feel that i deserved it. but i came back and finished that shit up later on. it was just such a pain in the ass.

i came in last winter still high on acid. i didn't think i was, but acid is funny like that. and i wasn't still seeing shit or anything, my eyes were just bloodshot from not sleeping that night. nobody told me that would happen, plus IT WAS FUCKIN snowing, man. i thought work would be closed, and i wasn't going to be trippin' 22 hours after i took the stuff.

in fact maybe i just psyched myself out.

anyway, whatever, it was snowing, nobody needed food, i went home. should've called in sick. but i needed the money, so i dared to confront my boss and attempt to work under that condition.

i should've got a freakin' medal for it, really.

and my coup de grace, i have NEVER, EVER, under ANY circumstances called in sick to work.

i have almost ALWAYS come in when they called me. unless i wasn't in vancouver for some reason, i high-tailed my ass down there.

so.... given all this, what advice could i possibly need?

well... there's four days i could work next week at archco. four good graveyard days. full 'o money. almost as much as i'll make in a month at provecho.

my dilemma is that i'm working two of those days at provecho. i stand to make less than 40 dollars for each.

do i put in my two weeks notice, eat the two days, and smile and walk out when it's over, or do i tell them, 'i want these two days off so i can eat. if you can't deal with that, too bad.'?

archco has work for people generally for only the first half/ two thirds of the month. but if i take these four days, i'm set for the rest of the month. i could literally not work at all if i wanted to, for the rest of the month after this.

so, in conclusion; Provecho: Should it eat a dick rightfuckingnow?
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