Here was a moment of revelation. I knew who the Rastafarians are (although I probably have some of the usual misconceptions about them, not living anywhere near Janmaica). And I knew who Haile Selassie was, mostly because of his dramatic speech to the League of Nations at WW II was breaking. But I never made the mental connection, even though you'd think logically there had to be one.
This is from A HISTORY OF THE END OF THE WORLD by Yuri Rubinsky and Ian Wisman. I found this in a used book store in the early 1980s and it has been reread so many times that it's more a bundle of pages at this time than a proper book. For whatever reason, many people just crave to expect Doomsday any minute, and they are always left abashed when the sun comes up the next day and they have to go back to work. The current impending apocalypse has something to with the Mayan calendar running out in 2012 and this meaning the world will end somehow. When someone says they believe this and give you grim warnings, ask them if they will sign over their house and car the day before.