Look at that caveman go

May 15, 2008 04:13

Here's yet another classic strip that is largely (and unjustly) forgotten today. ALLEY OOP started in 1933 as the exploits of a roughneck in the antedeluvian kingdom of Moo. Alley's semi-girlfriend Oola and drinking buddy Foozy, the unscrupulous King Guzzle and Grand Wizard all give Alley more trouble than the dinosaurs and sabretooths. Luckily our hero had befriended the loveable Dinny, a Harryhausian Rhedosaurus. The strip was written and drawn by V.T. Hamlin with just the right blend of action, humor and satire. Then in 1939, things took a left turn as Alley and Oola were snatched into the then-present by an experimental time machine invented by Professor Wonmug. After that, it was only occasional visits back to Moo as Alley and Oola visited the fall of Troy, the Wild West, Camelot, New York City (*ack*)...

This strip shows newspaper reporters once again not knowing where to draw the line. Notice the distinct sexual dimorphism of Moo, where the males are odd-looking brutes and the females gorgeous heartbreakers (kind of like Burroughs' Opar or network sitcoms. Alley also seems to be aflicted with Popeye Syndrome, resulting in enlarged forearms and lower legs.

alley oop, golden age, comics

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