Oct 19, 2007 00:38
In life we are sometimes required to do things that we are afraid of, and that we would otherwise avoid at all costs. On other occasions, we are required to do things that we want to do, yet we also want to avoid at all costs. We fear the outcome. We do not know what will happen, and feel that the end will not be pleasant. Yet still, we must go through with it for the hope of a better future. To stand tall and do what is required allows us to maintain our dignity and self respect. If we are victorious, we will always look back upon the event as a great event and one that we are thankful for. If we fail, we will forever remember it. We may wish that we could have acted differently, that we had waited, or that we had never been faced with the challenge. However, we do know that it was necessary and must recognize it as such. When experiencing these events, we must always make the journey alone, in the cold darkness that permeates our hearts and our minds. And, we can never know the ends to which we march.