Me, Kim, Christian and Andy all went to Brighton on Thursday, it was tres fun. the weather was well hot aswel well to start off with. it was sooooooo much fun seriously LOL... we went on the beach first and messed around, and hobbled our way over to the pier. then on the pier we went in the arcade and orrghhhh i love arcades!! me and christian went on the dance mat i couldn't stop laughing, we went on slow craggy ones but christian actually danced on it i can't explain, it was hilarious!! We went on the waltzer (whatever its called) first!! it went well fast, i swear they don't normally go that fast? then we went on this thing called errrm something mouse? it span really fast aswel, me and kim felt the need to scream every time we turned a cornor or went down the smallest dip!! then we went on this cragster of a roller coaster which hurt my head and arms, wasn't a fan of that beast!! then me and kim went on the haunted house oh how that was funny!! i mean i wasn't scared, it was just it was so craggy that i freaked out, and the noises were minging and urgh!! then it decided to get reeeeealllly windy and then thought LETS RAIIINNN!! so it pured down with rain, we ate some fish and chips. had lunch with a bearded fisherman hodling his catch of tha day!! then we went on the merry go round horsey thing... kim and christian rode on a chicken called Sam and i was flying on a horsey called Sarah... i reeeeally wanted to go and look at the Dr.Who exibit but no one wud come with me... i wanted a picture with an alien real bad!! then we went back in the arcade, by this time we were all MINGING!! me and kim went on this horse ride, everyone gathered... it was so embarrassing and we couldn't do it? LOL we got major addicted to the 2p slotmachines, we won a wristband and a hairband!! how cool are weeeeeee!! Oh yeah and chrisitan was crazy and jumped in the sea!! oh yeah and we built a pebble castle... and andy threw a bit of seaweed at me and it slapped me round the face (see bottom pic)
heres some piccies --->