Jun 14, 2005 17:04
I won 9 games of pool today out of 12! ORRRGHHHH! well its not all good seen as its 50p a go soooo we spent like erm... *gets calculator* £6 is that right? WOAH £6 thats not good! well any way i won a few games soooo yay go me! and...i LOST 5 games of ping pong out of 5 cause i suck! BIG TIME! :D college is well fun at the moment, all we r doing is catching up on work, and yeah i have loads of work its crazy but its all going gooood!
hopefully natalie can come round this weekend, i aint seen her in a few MILENNIA! (haha woo disney)i have nothing else to say errrrm... Turquon made me a cd of 'Little Shop of Horrors' songs haha best musical ever created! next to starlight express that is :D