Music Meme/fic thingy! (Snagged from someone else)

Oct 30, 2009 21:32

Rules of the game:
1. Pick a character, fandom, pairing, friendship, whatever.
2. Put on your music program on shuffle/random and start playing songs.
3. For each song, write something inspired by the song related to the theme you chose earlier. You only have the song length. No pre-planning and no writing after the song is over. No skipping songs either.
4. Do 10 songs and post. Make sure to include the song name/artist.

Therefore -
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing/Characters: McCoy/Chekov



1. Cursed by Beauty - 300 soundtrack
Pavel's body moved with grace no one expected, long fingers sliding over his own body while he seemed to slink back and forth with the flexibility of a snake, gray eyes closed as he danced in his drug induced state. He couldn't feel the light, white cloth around his waist that was folded like a knee length skirt while the golden coins that formed a belt at his hips jingled. His audience was captivated. His owners approved of this. He was a good slave to them.

2. Haunted - Evanescence
The world was a dark place, a quiet place. But Leonard didn't care. His lips were stained red from the blood he had drunk and the body in his arms was cold. Another death at his hands. Another life he had taken away. As guilty as he felt, he knew it was a necessary evil. He needed to drink to survive and in drinking as rarely as he did, he always killed his victims. At least he made sure that these people wouldn't have anyone to miss them. He was saving them, in a twisted way, from a life similar to the one he had held. A life of complete loneliness in the darkness of the night. Being haunted by a few souls was a small price to pay for delivering freedom.

3. Vater Unser - E Nomine
The church was dark when Father McCoy walked in, his mouth rinsed out, black robes clean. Contrary to popular belief, he was able to remain in this place without burning but why that was he didn't know. Either way, he crossed himself with the holy water as he stepped further inside and made his way down the isle, images of the blood stained bodies he had created in the past flashing before his eyes. He knelt at the steps of the alter at the end of the row and folded his hands in prayer. "Our father, who art in heaven..."

4. Feuer Frei! - Rammstein
Pavel was not going to remain locked away here forever. While most thought he was an idiotic teenager who knew nothing of war, this was far from the case. Already blood stained his clothes and face and in his hands he held a pair of guns that had killed well over three dozen people by now. His grey eyes were cold, his breath labored due to the running but his hands were steady, his aim accurate, as he took out man after man as if he was doing nothing more than swatting flies. One bullet grazed his shoulder but it hardly phased him. All he could hear was the "bang bang" as he double tapped everyone he came across. He was almost there. He was almost out. He could make it.

5. Tainted Love - Marylin Manson
How the fuck this even happened, Leonard wasn't sure. He had simply found the young man in the alley one day, black and blue, soaked and his skin shredded enough for the smell to attract the vampire. Even now he could see that the boy believed he deserved this punishment. He didn't feel pity for himself or self-loathing. It was simply a fact that this was the relationship he had with whoever it was that hurt him as such. Apparently all he knew or cared to know was this tainted love. Still, it wasn't exactly as if the vampire could leave this bloody kid in an alleyway all alone while he was hungry. It was a shame the kid was a fighter. It caused Leonard to do something he didn't want to.

6. Dragula - Rob Zombie
He was prepared. For once in his life, Pavel Chekov was actually prepared to do this job. A few years ago, he would never have suspected it. Now here he was a hunter, and one of the best in the business. He stood in the graveyard he had been assigned to, torch in one hand, silver plated bullets in the other as he burned and utterly decimated anything undead that dared to move. The witch that had summoned them had hoped to keep him busy it was a shame she hadn't anticipated him being this good. She may have never bothered to engage him. A cruel grin touched his young, blood stained face as he stepped forward from the mounds of burning corpses, his silver cross flashing over his black clothes. "Now," he said, raising both to the young woman who just stared at him in horror, all hope at redemption from her gone. "You face your fate. You are here by sentenced to burn vitch."

7. More Human Than Human - White Zombie
Leonard had been in the same graveyard when the massacre of ghouls and various other undead had occurred, had watched the handsome human take out the witch, burning her to cinders with a grin on his face. To be fair he had been sick of her as well. She had been the reason hunters like this child had been assigned to this town. It made his job a lot harder. He flitted from where he was hidden to the space directly behind the smaller human, disarming him with ease since he had been so easily distracted by the death of the witch. The kid was no vampire hunter. It made the priest-turned-vampire smile, his fangs glowing in the moonlight before he brushed them gently against the other's soft neck. He could feel the shiver running through the kid. He smiled. He wouldn't kill this creature to night. He would keep this kid alive. He would be more human than usual for this one.

8. Das Omen - E Nomine
When Pavel opened his eyes, he was tied eagle spread in a pentagram, nude, with candles resting at the tips of each of the perfect five points. He saw a man dressed in a long black robe standing at the end, the hood pulled back to reveal his handsome face but the robe itself hiding his clothes. He didn't look insane or the usual satanic type. Yet the book he held in his hands, the pentagram, the candles... it had to be an omen from someone. Especially when the man started talking, his low gruff voice doing things to Chekov's body no man's voice should ever rightfully do, while it spoke in evil sounding tongues. Immediately he began to struggle against his bonds, finding his efforts were in vain. The ropes were too tight and the chanting was getting louder. His body flushed, heat pooling in his groin. This spell was...

9. According to Plan - Danny Elfman
Leonard smiled watching as the young man he had turned over a century ago stepped into his room, dressed in the clothes he had chosen for him. He had to admit, the olden times Victorian garb certainly suited the Russian. He set aside his book as he got to his feet, long black frock coat floating behind him as he came forward and wrapped his arms around the shoulders of the eternal teenager who continued to stare out the frozen window of their mansion at the snow covered grounds. People were gathering outside, expecting the kid to marry today. He had sent out an announcement about it. No one knew the kid was going to marry a man, let alone the master of manor that he lived in. Everything was going to be perfect. Everything was going to go according to plan.

10. Coming Undone - Korn
Hunters had come after them. Foolish hunters who had no idea what they were dealing with. Not in this modern time. The blades Leonard held were already soaked with human blood, his dark eyes dilated and lustful while his face was splattered here and there with the excess spray from those he had been killed far too close to him. His clothes were in no better state. Pavel was not too far away, equally blood soaked, an evil smile on his always young face while his normally gray eyes flashed red. His blade was hardly conventional, the typical short sword replaced by the long and dangerous looking scythe, but it certainly fit what he wanted it to do. Bodies lay in pieces around him. Even as gory as the scene was, Leonard couldn't help his lust for his young lover. He had never thought that death would be so beautiful.


mccoy/chekov, star trek xi, vampire!bones

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