Unstoppable [gen] Song!Fic

Jul 30, 2011 04:17

Title: Unstoppable
Rating: T
Warning: Violence
Pairing: None
Fandom: Original
Summary: Father Thaddeus Reeves has a duty to perform, a vampire's nest to kill. He just wasn't sure how quickly the job would get done.


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The room was dark when Father Thaddeus walked in but he could sense the evil within the place without seeing it. He had his head bowed but in his hands he held Marine style sabers, both tipped with silver and blessed by himself and the Bishop and the crucifix around his neck seemed to shine in the faint moonlight that streamed through the windows of the abandoned warehouse he walked into, a place that he could sense was crawling with vampires. His duty tonight was to eradicate them, take down the entire nest. Only God Himself would know yet if he would succeed but Thaddeus knew no fear. If he was to fall tonight, it would be in service to Him and therefore he would be saved from the same fate as the creatures he felled.

Against the roof of the warehouse the rain fell softly but the storm was too far away for the clouds to interfere with the moon just yet. The vampires were gathering their strength, waiting his movements, waiting for the right moment to strike. He smiled to himself at the thought. These monsters had no idea who they were dealing with and would suffer for their ignorance. He wouldn’t let another human being suffer through the torment of being a meal for one of these monsters, let alone joining their ranks eventually.

Tilting his head up, the young exorcist said a prayer in Latin to the room as the vampires began to gather around him, his footsteps becoming more determined. He could see a few with blades approaching. Good. They were going to give him a bit of a fight after all. He raised his blades just as one attacked and easily parried him just as another made his own move. His blades found their marks easily, cutting into undead flesh with ease and leaving behind the scent of burned flesh. The other vampires watched as those that were cut grew angry and decided to take their revenge. Theirs was a morbid dance of violence, blades flashing and clashing together, parrying and blocking, attacking and counter attacking, again and again until the vampires could not take anymore and fell, allowing Thaddeus to deal the final blow with the same tenacity as he always did.  Soon there were two decapitated vampires on the floor and the others were not so keen as to join them so the entire nest chose to attack at once.

At first the priest was able to evade and deal damage to quite a few of them but eventually his blades were knocked out of his hands and he was left to dance out of the way of the knives that came at him, cutting into the long black cloth of his cassock without ever reaching the pale human flesh and human blood beneath that. The leaders took interest in this turn of events. The soldiers saw this as a challenge and attacked with more speed and ferocity. They didn’t count on one of them dealing a blow, a blade piercing the human’s narrow shoulder and splattering his blood. Time seemed to stop for a moment. Thaddeus merely laughed. This was far from the end.

Raising his hands, he summoned his blades to him through some form of old spell work and even with a blade in his shoulder continued his dueling, taking out vampire after vampire with his blades, parrying then killing with each blow he got upon his enemies. His black robes soon became soaked in vampire blood itself and as the ground became littered with bodies. Every vampire who attacked him fell to his blades. The higher vampires were in shock. How could one man, especially one so wounded, make such a quick comeback?

In one  final fury the priest took out all but three of the vampires and stood in a pile of corpses, not caring for the blood that stained him. The three vampires were the leaders and they could not allow the name of their clan to fall apart to the hands of an exorcist. Two of them attacked. Thaddeus raised his blades. Block, block, parry, parry, decapitation. The final vampire fled into the night as the priest regained his breath whilst  vampire blood dripped from the blades he still held by his side. As far as Thaddeus was concerned, the vampire that got away would spread the word of the church’s attack dog and spread the fear of his name amongst those that remained. Right now he had more immediate concerns. Such as taking care of the piles of abominations he had just slain.

song!fic, original work

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