NaNoWriMo 2010 - True Love's Kiss [ 6b / 10 ]

Nov 20, 2010 21:04

Title: True Love's Kiss
Rating: M
Warnings: ANGST, domestic violence, m/m sexual relations, vampirism, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt
Summary: Jonathan Grant is a haunted soul. After being born deaf, he grew up in a normal home until his parents died and he was sent into the foster care system, moving from abusive household to abusive household until the age of eighteen, when he fell in love for the first time. However, these supposed lovers were no better than the abusive foster parents he had lived with for so long and soon he found himself trapped, time and time again, under the cruel hand of those meant to love him. He came to believe that no one cared and that there was only one way to escape the pain; to truly be free. But there was someone who saw what was happening to him, someone who was determined to rescue him from his dark world at all costs. Jonathan must now decide if he will take this chance to live a new life, one so completely different from what he has known for so long, or finish the job that his "savior" had interrupted

PART A ---->

Decimus quickly found what he needed and set those items aside as he finally climbed on the bed, straddling his near desperate mate, the metal of the dog tags he still wore shining with the dim light the room was filled with. Jon’s eyes caught sight of them for just a moment but he didn’t pay them too much heed. There was a much more appetizing sight for him than simple metal jewelry. He reached up with his clawed hands, intending to bring the other down to kiss him, but his own hands were caught and pinned down, something that had the human in him writhing in panic but the vampire within him pleased at this show of superior strength and proof of dominance. Their lips met in another kiss where there was more gnashing of fangs and tearing of lips but their supernatural bodies were able to heal these minor wounds within seconds. It was the actions that were coming that would take more time to become heal later.

Their love making was rough and animalistic but whatever pain was involved was canceled out by pleasure on both sides. Jonathan was barely able to in touch with his body through it as the animal within him moaned and whimpered and groaned and growled in pleasure as their body was pounded rather heavily into the mattress. It was reminiscent of that last night he had spent with Guy and had there not been gentle touches throughout, he might have lost himself in the dark memories from not all that long ago. The vampire inside didn’t seem to care too much.

Once both men had spent themselves at least once and their barely beating hearts were going into overdrive by comparison to the natural state, the two vampires were covered in a fine sheen of sweat and exhaustion forced them to lie down, at least for a little bit. The bed being designed for a man and a woman instead of two grown men made lying down a bit difficult but after some shuffling, it was managed. Out of habit, Jon took the side of the bed against the wall and curled away from his new lover, not bothering to cover himself with blankets. He expected to be left alone now that the other man had gotten what he wanted. It was what all the others had done.

But Decimus didn’t leave him be. Out of seemingly nowhere, Jon felt a strong arm wrap around his slimmer waist and pull him back against a much larger body, holding him close as he was spooned from behind. There were lips moving against his shoulder, no doubt saying something, but as he was not able to see them, he didn’t understand what words were being said. As his breathing slowed and his heart rate returned to normal, he could feel the gentle touch of the other man’s hand against the skin of his chest, the fingers caressing him gently. He didn’t understand what was going on. None of his other lovers had made to touch him afterward… not one.

Then the lips that had been speaking stopped and pressed soft sweet kisses to his shoulders before a slightly cold nose nuzzled at the back of his neck for a moment while the larger body settled in behind him. There was so much affection in the action and sense of contentment Jon could feel a lump forming in his throat. Was this what it felt like to be loved? After all of these years of pain and darkness it was only in death -technically- that he could find love in the arms of another person? He pulled his arms closer to his chest and closed his eyes in an effort to force the tears away. He didn’t understand why he suddenly felt such a strong urge to cry.

He must have let out a sob or something, though because one moment he was curled on himself with a strong, solid body behind him just holding him and the next he was made to lay partly on his back and he was looking up at the concerned face of the man who had given him as much pleasure as he had taken. A large, somewhat calloused hand brushed the hair at his temples back, no doubt to push some stray strands back into place and Jon leaned into the touch gently. It did nothing to make his tears stop though and when a few escaped his eyes and trailed down his cheek, that same hand carefully brushed them away. “Why are you crying?” he saw Decimus ask him. How could he explain when he had only his hands to explain himself with anymore?

He felt another choked sob escape him but he made himself smile for the other as he brought his hands up, making himself go through the motions to say how he felt. He asked through his hands why Decimus chose to be so nice to him after their time together. At the other man’s look of confusion he tried to explain, again through his hands, that he was always left alone, before now, as soon as his partner had gotten what they wanted from him. He wanted to know why Decimus was different.

For just a moment, in the dimness of the room, Jon felt a shiver run up his spine as he saw a flash of anger cross the older man’s features but as quickly as the anger was there it was gone again. Instead of even looking angry with him, something close to pity filled Decimus’ eyes as he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Jon’s lips before pulling back enough to let the other see his lips. At least he was a fast enough learner to know that Jon was a lip reader and not actually able to hear. “Because when two people love each other,” he said clearly, “after they indulge in sex they hold each other and fall asleep in one another’s arms. I love you so I’m going to hold you while we doze for a while. Is that okay?”

Jonathan let the rest of his tears fall but through them he felt a smile bubbling up to. He was loved. Finally he was loved and he could tell it wasn’t a lie. No man could lie to him in both action and words and Decimus’ actions more than reinforced his words. Jon reached up and pulled the older man down again, holding him tightly and pressing quick, thankful kisses along the other’s neck. He didn’t care of the sudden addition of weight was crushing his chest. He had what he had always wanted and he found it in the arms of man who he had only seen once in a diner one night that had seemed so very long ago. He was still worried that he would end up jinxing it somehow but he didn’t care about that now. He was truly loved.

nanowrimo, true love's kiss

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