Fanfic: Illegal Activities [ Part 3 / ? ] McCoy/Kirk

Jan 22, 2010 18:35

Title: Illegal Activities
Rating: M
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: McCoy/Kirk
Disclaimer: I own nothing! Not even the plot! I just wrote this damn thing.
Summary: Written to fill a prompt on the st_xi_kink_meme : Kirk and McCoy are assigned to a long term undercover mission while the Enterprise is at dock.The mission: find the leak in Starfleet’s intelligence department selling their secrets on the black market, rumored to be hiding on a non-federation planet. What they never expected was to slip so far into their cover that they might actually break the law… and a few unspoken rules between them.


Part Three - Working the Angles

When Bones was finally dropped off at the place where he and Jim were staying, he knew he was going to need a good drink… or five… to be able to get anywhere near a decent amount of sleep tonight. He couldn’t shake the memory of Grank’s fuckin’ claws touching him, even if it wasn’t too out of line by normal social means and the very knowledge of what he’d have to do in order to complete this damn mission… well, that didn’t sit well with him either. If these kids wanted to smuggle illegal drugs in and out of this damn planet, let alone this system, they could find other ways that stuffing sterilized bags of whatever it was inside their bodies only to have it surgically removed later. What if the bag ruptured? The stupid fucks would go septic before they ever got anywhere near a decent hospital.

He closed the door behind him roughly and tossed his keys onto the nearby table along with his sunglasses, wishing that he could just erase this whole idea from his mind. He wanted to talk with Joanna, just to remember the reason he had for doing this, but he knew such a thing was risky as hell and could very well blow their cover. Besides, there stood a good chance that the transmissions from their small house could be monitored now that he had accepted the job and so reaching out to anyone that wasn’t a client or his “assistant” would look beyond suspicious.  He wouldn’t endanger his baby girl like that either, not when he had a choice in the matter.

A glance at the clock told him he had twenty minutes to himself before Jim usually came back with groceries and  the local news. Good. That gave him some time to get a drink or two in him before he broke the news. They had to get their shit together and talk in codes just in case the place was bugged. Well, use codes for the shit that they didn’t want their new “employer” to know. Fuck his life.

So McCoy ran a hand through his dark hair as he walked into their sparsely decorated kitchen/dinning room, grabbing what passed for a beer on this planet on his way before taking a seat at the table and popping it open. Already on the table was the newspaper from that morning, written on actual paper with ink that was, amazingly, in Standard. He supposed the fact this was a major port for all criminals of the Federation was probably why this was so though there was some odd spellings of things, no doubt influenced by the fact that Standard was not their native language. Still, he’d forgive them since he understood the message anyway. He just had to remember that his paper was biased as hell against humanoids.

The beer tasted good as he drank it quickly, trying to ignore the fact that it tasted more like overly fermented wine than real beer, and it wasn’t all that long that the alcohol hit his system. He was about half way through the paper, decently tipsy, when he heard the keys scraping against the lock and the soft bang of the door hitting the wall. He didn’t need the “Booooones! I’m hooooome!” Jim all but screeched as soon as he stepped inside and presumably closed and locked the door behind him. No one else could possibly make that much noise simply walking into a home. If the alcohol hadn’t been in his system, relaxing him, the surgeon would have snapped at the boy for making too much noise in  one go. As it was, he finished his beer and set the paper aside, getting up to go find his non-addictive cigarettes.

By the time he returned to the kitchen, Kirk had already started putting what he had bought away in their various places, all the while munching on something that looked suspiciously like a twizzler. He said nothing about it, just pulled one of the cigarettes from the pack with his teeth before setting them aside and lighting the tip with a small lighter he had bought in town when the one from earth died. He took a couple of quick puffs to get it started before inhaling deeply and letting the smoke burn his lungs for a minute, then letting it out through his lips in a steady stream. It was a relaxing gesture and gave him something to do while he braced himself to spill the beans.

“So,” Jim said after a long minute, getting something onto the highest shelf of a cabinet after a bit of strain, “Did you get that call you were waiting for?” He meant a message from Starfleet, of course, encrypted until they got it on a personal PADD to read between them that required at least six different codes and their signature before they were able to read it and even then they had five minutes to read the entire message before it automatically deleted itself or they erased it completely themselves. They were always waiting for that one message that would call this thing off, that would let them go home at long last. He doubted it would have come while he was out and about and Jim was doing his thing. Starfleet was always on the look out for such things. They would have noticed a lack of movement in the house after a given point with their detectors.

“Didn’t notice. Went out for a bit.” He put the cigarette back in his mouth and drew in another deep breath, this time letting the smoke escape through his nose. “The boss needed to speak with me.” He didn’t need to lock eyes with Jim but did anyway, using their non-verbal communication thing (which was not telepathy) to get the point across. “I got us a gig with them.”

Jim’s eyebrows looked like they were about to jump off his face they were so high. Leonard couldn’t help but feel a bit happy the tables were turned at last. At least now he knew he still had it in him to surprise his best friend. Good.  Stupid fucker deserved payback in some way for dragging him into this shit.

“That’s great Bones!” Kirk said after a minute, finishing the piece of candy he had been chewing on and turning around to face his friend, leaning casually against the counter, “So what are we doin? More organ transplants or plastic surgeries?” There was a grin on his face for that last part. No kid like Jim should ever take such delight in doing boob jobs.

“Nice try but no,” McCoy answered moving to take a seat at the table, carefully balancing his cigarette between two fingers and resting it against his thumb while the remaining fingers rubbed at his temples, “we’re going to be mule packers.” He closed his eyes and tried to will the ache that was building to go away already. “It’s a six month contract with the first month as a trial period.” He didn’t need to mention that failure of the “trial period” would result in one or both of them becoming the next pretty pair of man slaves amongst Grank’s collection. Jim actually read that file.

Bones heard some shuffling around and after a minute a pair of warm hands batted away the ones he had working at his temple and took over their job. He relaxed into the touch. “It’s fine Len,” his blond friend assured him, leaning gently against his back when the touch shifted to massage the tight muscles of his neck,  “We can handle this. We always have. Though I wonder what the bastard’s price is. ”

The massage of his neck had McCoy so relaxed he leaned forward on the table so his head rested on his folded arms. Jim had no choice but to follow him a little bit but that hardly mattered. “He wants to spend a night with me, or you, or the both of us,” he muttered somewhat sleepily, “though I told him I’d have to ask you about it before I decided.” He sat up for a second to finish off his cigarette before putting it out in the ash tray and returning to his sleepy position. “What do y’all think?”

The hands on his neck slipped to his shoulders, rubbing at them despite the awkward angle. “I think that this Grank character thinks way to fuckin’ highly of himself to even suggest that.” He let go of McCoy just long enough to move the chair back a bit, making his friend scoot further up on it so he could keep his sleeping position, before sliding in behind him for the supposedly better angle. “I mean, we are together aren’t we?” Ah so the code talking began. Wonderful. That would require a couple more functioning brain cells than he had currently to be able to use it completely fluently.

“Yea we are,” Bones answered, still feeling sleepy, “but this is a really good gig. I don’t know if we can afford to turn him down about this.” He relaxed further as the hands slid down his back, moaning a little loud on purpose. “I mean, we’ve talked about having a threesome before.” Which was technically true. Except that he was the third person invited to join Jim and his Orion woman. Definitely not the case here.

“And we dismissed that idea, remember, Len?” The hands swept forward so massage his stomach and even in his sleepy state the doctor’s dark eyebrows wrinkled in confusion. Okay, that was usually not friendly touches that went there. “When we got out of San Fran, we promised each other it would be just us two.  You aren’t about to go back on your word are you?” The arms tightened around him and a sharp chin dug a little into his shoulder. “Or is it that our usual thing is so boring to you that you want to spice it up a bit?”  Bones wanted to roll his eyes at this. Of course Jim would throw in a bit about their supposed sex life.

Sitting up in the chair, Bones leaned back into Jim’s arms and without warning pulled his buddy into a soft but rather heated kiss. He cringed simply at the mental thought of what he was doing but he didn’t exactly have much of a choice, especially with cameras on them like he was pretty sure there were now. Jim was stiff and clearly reluctant to participate but the doctor wasn’t all that surprised. Friends didn’t kiss each other like this. Not under any normal circumstances.

When he let go he forced himself to smirk as if he had enjoyed it and said “Now I never said that. Don’t you be puttin’ words in my mouth.” He let one hand card through Jim’s blond hair gently while he spoke. “Not when I got better things to stuff in yours.”

The look he got in return was a combination of “WTF” and “Is that the best you can do?” What could McCoy say? He was a doctor, not a philanderer. It wasn’t like he was used to flirting with anyone let alone men like Jim.

Still it seemed his “partner” understood though because both golden eyebrows jumped up and wiggled around a bit before the smiling bastard got off the back of the chair and offered his hand to his friend. “Well, if you’re makin’ the offer…” Sometimes Bones wondered if somehow, some way, this kid missed his calling as an actor. It’s actually believable the way Jim’s talkin’ and the doctor would know. He had watched that charm in action at least a hundred times before.

So he took the offered hand and let himself be pulled into the bedroom where, as inconspicuously as they could, they searched for hidden cameras and listening devices, turning on what looked like simple objects that, in reality, they had been given to fuck with the audio and visual equipment but leave the scanners they knew the ‘Fleet was using to keep an eye on them working. Once they were sure the cameras and audio equipment that could possibly be active in the room were at least scrambled beyond all hope of deciphering what was really going on McCoy flopped onto their shared bed (mainly for appearances sake) and threw his arms over his eyes.  He wished there was a way to erase some of the more recent memories from today.

“You never did answer me, Bones,” Jim all but snapped, the clipped tone in his voice the same as the one he used on the Enterprise whenever the doctor had found himself on the bridge and his friend needed to take on his “captain” persona, “are we going to including the ‘boss’ in our little ‘relationship’ or not? As awkward as it is flirtin’ with you, I really don’t want to have to waste the Kirk charm on someone f-ugly.” Without removing his arms, the doctor chuckled softly. He knew that would be enough to get the implied meaning across.

Instead of giving Kirk time to answer, he simply said “I get it but it’s not like we got much of a choice. The bastard is not one of these very trustin’ kinds. His people gotta continually prove their loyalty or face becoming one of his man-slaves. It’s not exactly as if he’s enough of a looker by any humanoid means so he’s gotta enslave the poor souls that catch his eye if they won’t work for him.” He felt the bed dip beside him and let his arms fall over his head, looking over to his thin lipped friend, clearly deep in thought. “We gotta come up with a decent and plausible way to turn him down because I don’t know about you but I’m not fuckin’ a guy unless you-know-who’s life depended on it.”

Jim looked at his friend, the gears in his head still running though it was obvious he understood what McCoy had meant by “you know who”. Even now, in this strange land, undercover, Leonard was wary about saying his daughter’s name. Not only might it blow their cover but there was a chance that somehow the enemy would find her, hold her for ransom and he’d do anything in his power to avoid making that kind of horrifying possibility a reality for her. For Jim too if he could help it. Stupid bastard, however, made that harder than it had to be.

“How about,” Kirk suggested after a few more minutes of musing to himself, as if voicing his thoughts, “we say we’re kinky but monogamous. Like we get too jealous if someone else so much as touches one with the other present that we can’t think of letting the other screw around.”  He looked at his buddy and shrugged. “It’ll help us get closer without compromising us. It shouldn’t be too hard to work that angle.”


Part Two - First Contact With the Boss

Part Four - First Day on the Real Job

prompt fill, star trek xi, mccoy/kirk

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