Fanfic: Tainted Love [ 15 / ? ] McCoy / Chekov

Dec 15, 2009 23:15

Title: Tainted Love - Part [ 15 / ? ]
Disclaimer, warnings and so forth: See other parts

Kirk never got the chance to hear about it. At some point during the night, there was an attack on the ship and Chekov had to hurry to the bridge, dressed in a hurriedly slipped on uniform just in time to take over from the useless newbie tactical officer before the shit hit the fan. At that point, all that he was focused on was keeping them alive, keeping the shields up and the weapons cool enough while they fought off the Klingons that they wouldn’t explode. The ship took quite a bit of damage but was far from crippled by the time the enemy had been incapacitated and the Klingons who dared violate the treaty arrested and locked away in the brig with only the best of Kirk’s security staff watching them. The shields would take some time to repair, as would the engines, but the phasers worked fine and until everything was back in working order he knew he would have to stay up here. It seemed like his three hours of sleep were all he was going to get for a while.

Beside him, Sulu seemed to have fared a bit better. The man didn’t look nearly as tired though he was most certainly annoyed at having to move the ship at such a reduced speed towards the nearest Starbase, which, according to Chekov’s calculations, they would arrive at in three days. It would take about that long for Medbay to be cleared of critical patients and therefore it would take that long before he could try one last time to please Doctor McCoy. If he couldn’t do it by the time they left the Starbase… well, the call from Alabugin would not come too long after that, assuming Liev heard about what he had done. The clock was winding down. He would not be surprised if he was…put down, as it was said, before the five year mission was up.

When Kirk got off the bridge with Spock, leaving Sulu in charge of the bridge, Chekov had thought that he would be free of any questions until after shift. He could feel the gaze of the Asian man on his back but he ignored it, keeping his focus on the console in front of him and making small adjustments to their trajectory to make sure they didn’t get too close to any planets or anomalies that could possibly be dangerous. In the corner of the console, there was a list being updated by the second of those who were sick and injured registered in Sickbay. Their status was listed, all deaths recorded with a red line through the name. The teenager was unsure if he should be relieved or saddened when Victor’s name was struck through and Liev’s was recorded as recovering. After all, the guy was just trying to help.

He was somewhat startled out of his thoughts when a message appeared on his console and so finished the last calculation before deciding he could leave it for the few seconds it would take to read and answer the message. He wasn’t all that surprised when he saw that it was from Lieutenant Sulu’s PADD messenger.
I heard you went out on a date last night with the old man, it said. How did it go? He better not have forced you into anything.

The navigator scoffed and answered quickly. He was a perfect gentleman just like he said he’d be. He turned his attention back to his calculations most of the time, his eyes catching once again on the list. Liev’s name was removed from it. That meant he was discharged and no doubt heading back to his room.

Another message flashed and after a few more calculations. He read that one too. I still don’t like it. I’m going to keep a close eye on him.

Pavel frowned to himself and looked over everything one more time before he answered. I am telling you that there is no need. He loves me and takes care of me and I love him in return. That should be enough for you.

Chekov returned to his work, ignoring any further incoming messages from the acting captain. He had more important things to do like calculate a way around the asteroid belt that was coming up quickly. He let his mind become wrapped up in that and didn’t notice when Kirk returned with Spock at his side and Sulu retook his place in the pilot’s seat. When he sent the coordinates to the pilot console to plot in and then kept scanning the sector of space for any other changes. He just focused on his work until the end of the shift. He would worry about Liev later.

By the time the shift ended, Pavel had managed to develop a knot between his shoulders and such a stiff back that he knew, unless he got Leonard to massage it away, could only be soothed by a hot shower. Somehow he knew his boyfriend would not be in any sort of condition to help him. In fact, he was pretty sure he’d have to take care of him. The hours the man had spent undoubtedly in surgery, soaked to his elbows in blood and have his scrubs splattered by it as he used all the medical knowledge he had learned over his many years of schooling to try and save as many lives as he could. From what he could tell, the few times he had seen the doctor lose patients, he took each death very hard. If he wanted to avoid dealing with a drunken McCoy, he’d have to go soothe the man’s conscience first before worrying about himself. He had always had back experiences with drunken men and he didn’t want his lover to become just another face to be featured in his nightmares.

So, once his replacement made his appearance, Chekov briefed him quickly and took off towards the turbo lift, not even noticing Sulu was in there also. He mentioned the deck he was headed to and grabbed a hold of one of the controls. It was only when it started moving and the Asian shifted too that the other’s presence was brought to his attention… and it very well nearly gave him a heart attack. Clutching at his chest, the navigator took a couple of deep breaths. “Hikaru!” he said, trying to breathe normally and smile for the man, “You are ninja, I svear. Scare me ewery time.”

“Yeah well that’s what you get for getting lost in your thoughts.” There was only a little humor in the tone and judging from the way the pilot as standing, the little bit of humor was forced. The aggressive stance made him stiffen and take a step back, expecting to be hurt somehow. It was a move that Sulu didn’t miss. “You’re acting odd. You sure everything is alright?”

Shit. “Da, Da, eweryzing ees fine.” And it would be even better if this stupid thing moved faster.

A hand reached out to him and he couldn’t help but flinch back. It wasn’t his boyfriend’s hand. Even if it was a friend’s hand he was too frazzled by the day to really feel that the touch was going to be completely harmless. Besides, Sulu had been angry sounding all day. How did he know if this man was going to be like Kirk and decide to forego the rules of ownership and strike him?

“Damn it, Pavel! I knew I shouldn’t have let you anywhere near that doctor! Trust me. The captain is going to hear about this!”

Panic rose in Chekov. He had an idea what his friend was thinking but was hoping he was wrong. “About vhat?”

Sulu glared at him, dark eyes burning. “This abusive relationship between you and the doctor is what he’ll hear about. I knew that man was two faced. Probably only hits you when he gets drunk right? That’s why you’re in a hurry to get back to his quarters?”

“Nyet, zat ees not eet.” The lift was slowing down. He was almost there. Good. “I am tired and vould like to sleep. Seence my zings are een hees quarters, eet make sense zat zat ees vhere I vould go.”

The lift stopped and the doors opened, letting both officers off on this floor. Since this was the senior officer deck, it made sense that Sulu would get off here anyway. His room was just down the hall from McCoy and the others since he was the senior pilot onboard. It still made Pavel nervous though. He couldn’t explain why but it did. He hoped Leonard would come off shift soon. He really needed to calm down.

Without turning to face his senior officer, Pavel made his way to the CMO’s quarters and quickly typed in the code, letting himself into the doctor’s room. It was just how it was the last time he had been here. Apparently, in between the time he had started his shift and now, at some point, the doctor had gotten someone to bring his things here, though how they got to be arranged in exactly the way that they were he wasn’t sure. Either way he didn’t pay much heed to it since he heard the footsteps of the lieutenant following him inside.

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Pavel stripped off the yellow uniform shirt and carefully draped it over a chair, pretending he owned the place just as much as McCoy did before sitting on the bed and working off his boots. Hikaru followed him, looking around and frowning, as if looking for some sign. This was getting ridiculous. “Can I help you vit somezing? I vould wery much like to take a shover and get to bed.” He wasn’t about to lose any more clothing beyond his socks in this man’s presence. He didn’t want the scars he knew were plainly visible to be seen or the mark on his wrist.

“Just wanna keep you company ‘til your boyfriend shows up.” The pilot made his way to the bedside table where the picture of Joanna was kept. He didn’t pick it up but bent down to see it further. It felt like a violation of privacy to Pavel and it wasn’t even his own picture. “He should be heading back soon shouldn’t he?”

Gaining confidence, Chekov tossed his socks over the back of the chair, over his yellow uniform shirt and stood, stretching himself. “Da, he should be here any minute.” He made his way to the bathroom. That meant any minute now, Sulu would face what wrath the CMO could summon up for being in the room uninvited. Perhaps, with the man so exhausted, he could finally coax him into a more than simply platonic relationship. He knew what his previous clients had found pleasurable and often used sex to unwind. He doubted his handsome Leo was so different. Maybe sex was what he really needed tonight to get away from the booze.

Pavel sighed as he made his way to the bathroom, telling the pilot to please wait in the living room, deciding that if he was going to have sex he might as well get clean and relaxed now. That way he wouldn’t have to worry about it later and it may actually give him time to prepare himself. Not all his former clients remembered to do that the first night with him. Those nights always hurt a lot more and he was often left bleeding too profusely to be of any further use to the client that night. He didn’t want the same thing happening this time if he could avoid it.


Dr. McCoy was more than just a little bit exhausted. In fact, it was more like he was dead on his feet. His shoulders ached, his hands were shaking, each step felt painful, as if his nerves were on fire, though that was most likely from standing the entire shift. He could feel his eyelids drooping and his entire body felt like a mess. At least he had managed to change out of his bloody scrubs into his regular uniform before he left. He didn’t need to scare anybody more than necessary.

He didn’t expect to get to his quarters and find it unlocked and he expected even less to see that Asian kid -what was his name again? Solo? Sulu?- sitting on his couch as if waiting for something. Running a hand through what he knew was the mess he called his hair, McCoy sighed and headed through towards the bedroom, losing his uniform shirts as he went. “Is there something I can help you with, Lieutenant?” he asked over his shoulder, dumping the clothes onto the ground next to his bed before sitting on it and carefully sliding his boots off. His feet felt better now that they were no longer constrained and had to support his weight.

“Maybe. It all depends on how you answer the next question.” After getting his boots off, the CMO looked up at the pilot, who was leaning against the wall that separated his bedroom from his living room. “What is Pavel Andreievich Chekov to you?”

It took a moment for the question to register in his tired mind and once it did he groaned mentally. Of course. He should have figured the kid’s best friend -well, closest thing to a friend at least- would be the next person to solve the little mystery. After all, Pavel was starting to relax a bit around him but that also meant that he was tensing up around others.

“I really doubt that’s any of your business, Lieutenant, as that’s a personal matter instead of a professional one.” He added his socks to the pile of dirty clothes and waited a few seconds before getting up to go get some pajama bottoms to sleep in. He tried to hold back the wince but it was noticeable… he was sure of it. “Now if you will excuse me, I have some sleep to catch up on.”

A surprisingly strong grip on his forearm forced him to turn around and slammed him into the wall, aggravating the pain in his spine already. He cursed under his breath and honestly would not have been surprised if a blade found itself under his throat. “Sulu! I could easy as hell get you court-martialed for assault on a senior officer! Let me go right now!”

“And I can have you arrested on the charges of battery and statutory rape, you sick son of a bitch!” the smaller man hissed back, using just his weight to keep the tired doctor in place. Both dark eyebrows shot up to his hairline at the mention of this. Well this was an unexpected twist. “So tell me, Bones,” the name spat like a distasteful aftertaste, “how much did you have to pay to captain to get him to ignore your habit of fucking and beating the shit out of a kid half your age?”

Before Leonard could make himself answer, there was a sharp sound behind his assailant that distracted him momentarily and the doctor used that to his advantage, shoving the Japanese man onto the ground then climbing over him and pinning him down. There was a struggle but it didn’t last long once Sulu figured out trying to throw off a guy twice your weight certainly was much more difficult than it seemed. It was only once the guy calmed down that McCoy looked up to see what the distraction had been… and felt lucky knowing that said distraction wouldn’t help Sulu nearly as much as it had helped him.

Pavel Chekov was dressed in only a towel around his hips, his curls only semi in place since he most likely used his fingers to brush through them. He looked surprised and somewhat horrified at what he was seeing and the way he was backed up against the wall with his arms tucked behind his back was more than enough evidence for the doctor to know that his young boyfriend hadn’t expected his friend to be here still. Just seeing him so defensive triggered something in the surgeon he didn’t expect but didn’t argue with either.

Carefully balancing himself so he still had a firm hold on his captive, he picked Sulu up by his arms and bodily threw him out of his quarters. “You let me catch you in my rooms again and you’ll rue the day you signed onto this job,” he promised, able to resist the urge of the healer within him to check to make sure that the crumpled body that slowly got to his feet was alright. Instead, he turned on his heel and locked the door, creating a new code that he’d show his partner in a minute. Great. Now he felt enough more exhausted. Screw the shower… he needed sleep first. He’d worry about a shower when he woke up, preferably three days later.

“Hey, Pasha,” he said, his mind too sleepy to remember to keep his words clear of his natural southern drawl and quite frankly not caring, “you can stay if you’d like but *yawn* I’mma gonna turn in so keep the noise down if you’re gonna-” He didn’t get to finish because the next thing he knew there were soft lips pressing against his own and a hot, slick tongue pressing its way into his mouth. He didn’t have the presence of mind to resist and fell into the gentle embrace, pulling the other closer and enjoying the way the warm, smooth skin felt beneath his hands and against his chest.

After a few minutes, he separated from whoever it was who kissed him just long enough brush his nose against the other’s cheek and begin to guide the person towards the bed. Pavel certainly smelled good but he couldn’t be that excited right now to save his life. He needed sleep and one way or another he was going to get it, though he didn’t mind having a warm human cushion to sleep against. He was only human after all and after all the death and blood he had seen earlier, holding onto a living being, listening to a healthy heart beat, would ease the nightmares he knew were come.

There was a sudden separation, and the sound of someone falling onto the bed. He tried to focus his tired eyes on the sight of his boyfriend, splayed on the bed in nothing but a towel which even then fell open at his hip but kept the essentials covered. He could discern a nervous look on his face but couldn’t bring himself to be comforting. He took off his pants, adding them to the pile before joining the other on the bed, simply pulling him close.

“Leonard?” There was some shifting in the smaller body and he loosened his grip to allow it to move as it wanted. Once it stilled, he relaxed again. “Are you alright?”

“I will be once I get some sleep.” He was already half out of it. He barely felt it when his blankets were draped over the pair of them though he did snuggle against the pillows further.

“I lowe you.”

Leonard smiled to himself and squeezed the body tighter. “I love you too Pasha. Now sleep. We can deal with this in the morning.”

That night, he did not dream of blood and violence. He didn’t dream of death and darkness. Instead he dreamed of a home on earth, a small house with a fence around it, a dog running around the yard and a little girl playing fetch with the animal. He dreamed of the smell of peaches and pecans and felt the warmth of being held and loved by the vary boy in his arms. He felt very at home in these dreams and wondered whether it was a vision of the future they would have together once this mess was settled. He took it as a sign that maybe, just maybe, he was supposed to be the one to save this boy.


| PART 16

mccoy/chekov, star trek xi, fanfic:tainted love

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