Они.. ладно, их хиты в пору расцвета были реально великолепны. Глеба я не знавал, с Вадиком знаком шапочно. Рад, что они оба смогли соскочить с веществ, и надеюсь еще услышать от них что-нибудь. Одну их вещь я перевел на английский и подарил Вадику, когда он к нам на деревню приезжал.
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Lie down, relax and you listen extremely well
I've been patient but now you can go to hell
Take a break, shut your mouth, get me out of jam
That's it, frankly my dear I don't give a damn.
When I'm with you it's like a war
And it is you I'm fighting for
But I am spent, the battle's gone
I grab my drink, I'm goin' home
The battle's gone, the fire's out
There's nothin' left to talk about
But we're still here, we going strong
And living on and on.
Pain will be pain and it is not worth talking of
This is fear, where is fear there's no place for love
Take a break, shut your mouth, get me out of jam
That's it, frankly my dear I don't give a damn.
When I'm with you it's like a war
And it is you I'm fighting for
But I am spent, the battle's gone
I grab my drink, I'm goin' home
The battle's gone, the fire's out
There's nothin' left to talk about
But we're still here, we going strong
And living on and on.
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