Oct 01, 2004 04:19
I spend so much time caught up in my own little world that sometimes I lose track of what's going on in the wider world. That always makes me feel a bit guilty, especially when we've got an election looming so soon.
For the past number of years we have needed the Liberals in power. Our country was sliding rapidly into a vast economic hole, and Costello was the man to pull us free and into safe territory. But the price we paid for this was very, very high. The rampant conservatism of Howard and the Nationals has created a mockery of social equality {gay marriage bans}; and the kow-towing to american interests is just sickening. The Free Trade Agreement sold out modern technological policy {IP, DRM} to prop up failing agricultural industries {wheat, cotton}. And they STILL haven't got around to ratifying Kyoto. We want to claim our right to chain ourselves to last centuries industrial and comercial tactics in order to deal with the modern globalised economy?
To top it off they throw away all the economic credibility they had by spending large chunks of the surplus on more of their pathetic half arsed social vote buying policies. Claiming Labor will spend more is redundant, we know Labor will spend more. But they seem to give us more result for our money. And thanks to the windfall of the GST and sound economic management, we are in the position we can afford a term or two of Labor largesse - and dare I suggest, dynamism.
The Liberals have shown lots of rationality, some decisive leadership and a bold focus. But they have shown no flair, no understanding of the modern dynamic environment, and no concept of national evolution. Of course the greatest flaw, the one that just cannot be tolerated anymore, is that annoying spineless smug gnome representing our country. John Howard should have bowed out gracefully and let Costello lead the liberals into the coming term. Instead it will take disgrace and defeat at the hands of the populace to force him out. I'm predicting 12-18 months into opposition Howard will retire to the back bench and prepare his ooze into the senate or commercial board life.
I'm stoked, because I live in Dickson, one of the 'critical marginal electorates' that will decide the outcome of this election. The sitting liberal member is a plain inoffensive not too pathetic smiling party head. The labor candidate seems to have more character and energy about him, I'm sending him a letter tomorrow and we'll see how he responds.
Is Mark Latham ready to be Australias youngest ever Prime Minister? I hope so, because the idea of another Howard term at this point is intolerable.