..do I have anything to say?

Feb 28, 2008 22:32

Probably not.. at least nothing life-altering or over the top insane.. besides my regular ramblings, that is. :p

So, I've officially pushed my personal comic book idea over the edge like whoa hardcore.. I have collected 70 pages of dialogue, plot notes, character sheets, the whole nine.. and that's pretty much all just scrawlings in class and while I'm eating.. oh, and before bed, too..

..and I can't seem to shut up about it, either. What can I say.. either I talk about my nutritional science class or superheroes dying... you wanna hear about fuckin' polypeptides and their role in glycogen production? I know I don't, and I'm paying to take the class.. :p

I seem to be literally THROWING my money away.. combined with rent, gas to drive a couple hundred miles a week, food, and student loans.. I'll be broke within the month. That is, if I can't get get my paperwork at the park sorted out and finish Alex's commision comic.. which is coming out AWESOME, by the by..

So yeah.. I'm kind of.. indifferent about the future right now. I'm just trying to regain my footing from the last few weeks. It's been ludicrously hectic. Like, stay up for three days straight, and then try to train in Enfield.. then go to work.. then class.. then draw... you get the idea. STUFF.

And what's worse I keep reminding myself of other shit I haven't done in forever.. did anyone know I used to write lyrics for music way back when? I wrote the words to a song or two for my cousins' metal band. Sadly they disbanded before they could really circulate their demo. But I have a copy. :) I kind of want to get back to that.. that was fun.. another creativity ventilation duct.

I hope to make this summer kick ass. And a lot of it.. tons of it.. massive ass-kickery.

..it's also difficult to contact Suffield's Art Council when it's apparently a personal line that's not listed anywhere.. :/
I'm really hoping to do this solo gallery showing someday. It will be awesome. I have it all planned out, and there will be cake.. and maybe a monkey..

...what was I talking about? Whatever.. :p

I'm mentally unravelling,
dispelling thoughts from travelling,
broken lines of communication,
erasing stations from channeling,

these words, expressions,
now dimly lit impressions
of what used to be, my sanity,
now littered grounds of discertations

must find the path to my stability,
must've shadowed the source of this reality

....aaaand I lost it.. damn..

so.. that's it.. I'ma go.. do something else.. involving not going outisde because it's nuclear winter out there..
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