Oct 27, 2005 13:26
fucking sonuvabitch.
My advisor was out sick during class advisements. As a result I just got my bar lifted. And what do I find? Every single class I need is filled. I can't even take senior project. There is absolutely nothing available. nothing....NOTHING....
FUCK THIS STUPID FUCKING SCHOOL AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR. I hate this. I'm sick of running around and getting raped in the ass everytime I take a left turn. I hate my life everytime I come here. I am miserable. I get nothing done, nothing that is important to me, anyways. I go days without sleep and get shit on for it. I am sick to death of this fruitless journey I'm getting dragged through. And for what? TO spend my senior year in a shithole dorm room with no internet, a wall that is rotting out because water seeps into it, and busting my ass so I can end up destroying my life, further preventing any chance of seeing the light at the end of this fuck-tunnel? THIS IS HORSESHIT. I want this to end. I hate this. I FUCKING HATE IT. I might as well walk out into oncoming traffic. This is total bullshit and it's not even being covered up anymore by the board of ed. assholes who run this cash-mongering ass-faciility. This system is a joke of an institution, and should be dragged ass-first through a freshly-cut cornfield.
FUCK THIS. I'd rather be a gasping fish out of it's fishbowl, cuz at least then I know when the end of it will be. Fucking pieces of shit......
This is ridiculous. I am so pissed off....
Even thought the art department has helped elevate my art to a new level, it only brings my situation to a par when compared to this utter nonsense that I'm having to deal with. I'm a senior... why am I living out the freshmen nightmare again for the umpteenth time!?!?
fuck it... I'm going to bed and hoping I never wake up.