Oct 12, 2005 21:51
I'm pissed because I lost out on an entire 4 day weekend studying for
an exam. I decided not to go to New York and visit my cousins,
instead spending the weekend reading the hundreds of pages of articles
and the Code of Federal Regulations "Officially
More Boring than Watching Paint Dry". And what do you think
happens when I take the exam today??? Does my extra studying pay
of?? Does Daven ace the exam??
OF COURSE I DID. What pisses me off is that I could have done
JUST AS WELL, if I had only read over the lecture slides twice.
There was NO material on the exam that required all the studying. It was VERY easy. So, I'm pissed. What burns even more, is
that she divided the reading assignments and handouts into "required"
and "optional", further emphasizing the necessity of doing the
reading. And, all of her references to the reading assignments
during class. ARG!!!!!
I think it's very possible that I won't do ANY of the reading in the rest of the class.
Grad school is turning out to be somewhat disappointing in it's lack of
vigor. My Biostats class was similar, in that during our quiz
several people had a problem with one of the questions, which the
professor proceeded to answer for everyone. Then, he returned the
quiz to a few people who had turned it in, saying that they had gotten
something wrong, and what to do to fix it. I suppose I should
just shut up, and accept easy A's in two of my classes. Still,
the fact that I got a perfect score on that quiz without help makes me
angry that some people got help, and are thus graded as my equals, even
though the couldn't do the work on their own. What is this,
school? Fortunately, (or not) my pharmacology class is going to
be a cast iron b-i-t-c-h!
Well, I'm going back to the beer that I've justified as a proper
response to my frustration. As you all know, Grad Student =
Alcoholic-in-Training ;)