''Sir,can you please undress in public?''

Aug 26, 2004 20:54

Finally the day came, our long awaited summer excursion started. Of course there's no summer travel without some eventful happening, and when your in my shoes it's all the more interesting. You see it all started at the airport standing in line for the security screening. As usual the cheif screener stated aloud to remove all metal objects from one's pocket and body (what would a gothic punk do?). So in the spirit of optimism I walked through the detector; and as expected it went off. "Sir, can you please remove your shoes, belt and pants?". So I removed all the stated items and walked through again, but to my suprise it went off again! "Sir, please step to the side for a wand search" Oh brother, I thought: those @#$% terrorists are really cramping my style, but if I have to strip in public to protect this great nation so be it. So the chief took me to the side wanded me down and before I knew it I was back on track. Now feeling quite patriotic for serving my country I redressed and caught my flight. The flight was the usual sitting for 3 hours, and reading old copies of Better Homes & Gardens, Hispanic Business Woman, and Golf Digest(now that was good reading). So after stuffing my self with pop and peanuts and a brief nap the plane began it's slow decent into Portland but, something went wrong. All of a sudden my head felt like it was going to blow up. Never before had I felt such pain.
As the plane continued to descend the pain increased and I grabbed onto my head and held on tight. Of course there was a girl my age sitting nearby and she watched in bewilderment as I continued to resist the pain. After awhile she leaned over and asked if I was okay "oh yeah" I replied ,because I was trying to look cool,"then why are you leaning over gripping your head in a strain?" "oh, I'm just stretching" "I've never seen anybody stretch like that" "I created my own routine" "oh, I see, thats cool" (yeah, very I thought). Of course as we were conversing I was praying with all my heart and soul she'd just shut up and leave me alone. Finally the plan landed, but the pain got worse. Now keep in mind I had to go visit family and of course they asked how I was, I felt like telling them it was a bad hang-over, but I opted with the more common "I'm great!" So for 4 hours I had to pretend everything was all 'nice like sugar and spice'. Finally the pain subsided. The pain I endured that day was what most people would classify as: jump of the roof pain or in my case off a plane. The lesson learned?-don't give up when the going or the flying gets tough.
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