WM100.10 Do you consider yourself mysterious or forthright? Forthright, unless it's not your business.
What if anything has ever rendered you speechless? There've been a few times when test results have knocked me for a loop. Lisa left me at a loss for words when she told me she wanted a divorce.
Do you have a good luck charm or amulet? Describe it. That would probably be Dr. Natalie Durant. If she can't figure it out, it's a lost cause. And she always figures it out.
What holidays do you celebrate? Medical emergencies don't break for holidays, so neither do I.
What is your favourite? Memorial Day. And I was always fond of manning the front door on Halloween. My sister's favorite was the Fourth of July, so I celebrate in her honor.
List 5 things you have not accomplished but would like to do so in your lifetime.
+ Figure out what killed my sister
+ Take Jack to the World Series
+ Save the world
+ Ride Space Mountain
+ Buy a boat
What secrets do you keep from everyone else? I don't have all the answers. And, well, the divorce.
How do you overcome your fears? Keep working. And pray that no more Smallpox-carrying corpses defrost.
What things can you do that is better than anyone you know? Piss off Kate Ewing
Do you have "It"? It? Like a recording contract? [/Star Trek joke]
Character, genetics or environment? Environment. Experience cuts you down to build you back up.
What's the bravest or most daring thing you have ever done? I own an El Camino. And I drive it.
Who owes you an apology? No point in dwelling on the people who piss me off. I probably earned it. I'm not really a nice guy, regardless of what you may have heard.
To whom do you owe an apolgy? Lisa, Jack, Natalie, Frank, Frank's wife, Frank's girls, Therese... probably my father