My life has been a bit chaotic as of late and not neccessarily in a bad way. There is just so much going on at once for me that it is hard to keep up. I think that I will be okay though.
For those of you who do not know and still care about what goes on in the life of Jacob Mayeux, I have news. A couple of weeks ago I ask Stephanie to marry me. I am also happy to announce that she said yes. And honestly, I've never been happier than I currently am with her. (Stay tuned for wedding information - YOU ARE ALL INVITED)
I officially have 27 days left (weekends included) before I am officially a nurse. The hardest parts of school are over with, and it is all downhill from here. I just need to find a job now, shouldn't be too hard, and pass my board exams.
We are moving to Baton Rouge at the end of May/begining of June. If anyone is in the area, or would like to move there please do because I currently have no friends there (sadness). Or if you would like to hang out, just message me I will give you my info.
Well, I will try to update more, but until then. . .
Peace, Love, and Ska