Next update at the first night of RUFF. Drinking at the Cobalt.
Ran into this guy. James/Jamie Algie. Has the same Jamie/James duality going on as me. Which is annoying. If he kept it consistant with one I could stop turning my head when he's around, but nope. He's a man about town. He pops up everywhere and everyone seems to know him. Look through a magazine on the table, there's his face. He's also got a pretty good sounding band going. I haven't seen them live so they might still suck, but the recorded stuff seems pretty good. Ah who am I kidding? This is the kind of jerk where he just seems good at stuff. I hate those people. I even noticed the other night that his jeans fit perfectly leading into his shoes.
Tried to get a picture of Chris Clifford all night but dude has some kind of spidey sense for when a picture is about to be taken of him. Everytime the flash was about to go off he'd duck or something. He wasn't even looking at me
After party at Mandys place. Her house is the sickest fucking house in the history of homes. Look at the reflection in the mirror. All the doors in the house were like metal store front doors. Another funny note: I ran into mandy when i was drunk at the queenshead awhile back and i told her i was paranoid that i was misconcieved as Darragh's drunken slutty roomate within the film program. This prompted her to start saying "hey Darragh's drunken slutty roomate" everytime she sees me. Talk about a self fulfilling prophecy.
Norm came over with this Brian guy i'd never met. He was pretty cool. They had just come back from a stills concert where the snuck backstage and stole a bunch of wine and food from them and the broken social scene guys. I had to act all non plussed about it because i was jealous.
Off to the boat for the ford plant fundraiser. Ajax's friend Brampton was there. She began the theme of people ducking and fucking up my pictures. Her friend pictured here was named Dorian. I thought that was awesome and told her that her parents must have been awesome to name her after an oscar wilde character (i assumed). She informed me that this was not her birthname, and that she had shaken off the burden of that moniker and chosen this one for herself. I kept bothering her to tell me her real name all night and she refused. Only now do i wonder if this wasn't 20 something pretention and maybe could have been a result of some horrific child abuse she's trying to put behind her. Way to go me.
Environmental Christine was there. I had a big crush on her way back when. We went to a stars concert in waterloo and slept on opposite couches. It was torture Joan, FUCKING TORTURE.
Bucking trends here's a posed photo of Sarah and a guy who is wearing a really similar shirt to the one i have on right now actually. Weird. Especially since i stole mine from my dads closet and its from Sears collection 1975 or something.
Me doing my impression of what it would look like if retarded people lived until 60 (they don't. They typically die pretty young. How's that for a downer?)
Kelly Sue and Brian. I keep trying to think of something funny to say about this picture and the face Brian is making but I can't think of anything. Anyone wanna make up a caption?
Remember earlier this month where Henri was revelling in his fame? Rider demands got lengthy, dressing rooms got thrown around. Then came the coke and meth binges. Well fame is a mistress that will seduce you and then give you herpes and leave you homeless. That was a really quick icarus tale. But at this rate he'll be saved by Jesus and a clean man by next month.
Sasha was giving out free hand massages for the asking and sitting on the middle of the dance floor with like 4 people around him. Is he going into a new age phase? Or just a gay phase? Let this picture be the judge
Talk about a local celebrity sighting! Its the surly guy who works checkout at the spadina LCBO! I'm really sorry that your rockabilly band hasn't taken off yet, but that's hardly my fault and there's no reason to reflect your loathing on me when I go to buy my booze. Jeez, with all his derision you'd think he worked at a indie record or video store.
Brian left. Dude is the hardest guy to make comfortable in the world. He kept going to leave like 8 times. He wasn't comfortable unless I was like humping his leg. Cool guy though, but damn, can I get you a perscription for some grow uppers and calm downers?
Okay, Trevor was really excited about this band the secret handshake. And they seemed very excited to be playing. But I didn't get it. What's the big deal? ummm... it sounded like... screamo? It wasn't hardcore, that would have been fun. Was it just... bad? I think it was bad. Also, not to nitpick, but the little dude with the red dress shirt, plugs, and gelled hair? Possibly worst look ever.
This story needs to be told: The band told a story in between songs about something they saw outside. This something involved Norm and Brian. Brian had gotten his suspenders stuck in the chain of his bike. So he took off his pants in the middle of the street and unconnected them. On top of this he yelled at everyone who was staring saying "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!!!"
Pretty funny and Rad Nu?
The leadsinger, henceforth known as Douchebag (until further notice), told this funny story, but as some weird homophobic jocky tale in which it was really really gross that the dude had taken off his pants and that they were involved in some sex act on the street. Which isn't even funny. And he added "i threw up in my mouth a little". I'm sorry, ummm are you actually a jock in a high school in the suburbs? Making a joke about a guy with his pants off, and what looked like another guy beside him, haha they were being gays, gross. That's not FUNNY AT ALL. Here's norm going up on stage while they were telling the story and explaining it to the drummer. Who apparently was a pretty nice guy. Its a shame that I kept calling him homophobe all night after that. He got pretty worked up about it.
Well Me thinks thou doth protest too much.
I know this blog has turned really catty lately but that actually pisses me off whenever I think about it. Not as a gay rights activist or anything. Those fags can fend for themselves. More as a public lameness when given a PA activist. we need better mic control or the lame jokes will reach our children.
Fuck, i'm so catty. I guess i'm a fag.