I just thought, that I'm gonna need to spread the news about the announcement of a new, drop-dead gorgeous Black Jack collectable action figure. Like I already mentioned, it's really beautiful and detailed since it has been modeled after Black Jack's OVA appearanace.
Well, I don't really want to torture all of you with my endless ramblings about it (and it's an open secret, that I could talk about Black Jack for hours without end), so that I'm just gonna share a bunch of images, some infos, as well as the source where you can pre-order it.
Expected ship date: September 2012
Price: $169.99
7-hobby.com Product Specification
Black Jack Headsculpt (OVA Version).
ZCWO Male Body, 5pcs of Hands .
Black Jacket and Black Slacks.
White Long Sleeve Shirt, Red Butterfly Tie (Metal Wire Inside).
Black Vest, Black Overcoat.
Black Shoes, Belt.
Black Briefcase.
Surgery Tools: Stethoscope, Syringes, knife, Scissors, Clamps, Medicine Holder x 3.
Red Wine, Glasses, Pipe.
Action Figure Stand w/h Black Jack Logo.