Me and work and words

Oct 20, 2009 16:32

Right now I'm just kind of baffled by my job... I am stretched in a lot of directions and if I miss any little detail it's like the TPS report scene from Office Space, at least three people have to give me a talking to about it.

The thing is, there are like 7 people typically in the office so about half the people here are my boss (ignore the fuzzy math there) and they all have entirely different sets of priorities.

I feel like I'm just sort of hovering and waiting for someone to notice that I can't possibly actually do all these jobs well unless I stop doing the other ones.

It's still not a bad job at all, and far far from my worst, but it does, I think, make me a little stupid.

Daily wordspew.... go!

"Don't eat that!" Tom screamed leaping through the air like some demented action hero star in a Buffy the Vampire Slayer T-shirt and running shorts. I froze in horror, my spoon a few inches from my face as he slammed into my midsection and knocked me off the chair and into an Ikea end table which shattered under me cutting my back and arms up and knocking the wind right out of me.

"Huuuuuuuh" I managed by which I had hoped to say "Tom you son of a bitch, seriously, what the fuck?" but he had already leapt to his feet, grabbed the grapefruit I was eating for breakfast (sprinkled with a little sugar... OK a lot of sugar) and flung it through the kitchen window where it fell to the yard below in a rain of shattered glass. "Nghhhhhhhh" I said which really meant "Dude! You are so going to pay for..." I never finished gasping out my admonitions because that was when the grapefruit exploded.

Tom was thrown through the air, smashing against the opposite wall and landing in a bone chilling crunch. I fought to my feet and scrambled towards him but I could already tell by the angle of his neck that there wasn't much I could do. Hell, I didn't even know CPR! It turned out that i would be spared the bother of trying to learn on the fly because a bowl of grapes started going off like machinegun fire and I had to hide behind the sofa as the walls were riddled with seeds.

Looked like it was my turn to go shopping again.

[Edit, now there are some mightily run on sentences!]
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