Fic:The Most Unlikely of Couples Carson/Teyla NC-17 7 parts

Aug 30, 2008 20:33

Other pairings: John/Rodney and minor Ronon/Keller
Summary: The near-death experience of “Sunday” leads Carson to take a chance.
Spoilers: Sunday, the rest of season three and season four
Distribution: My site, bigbang, anywhere else just ask
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine, I make no profit from this story, there is no infringement intended.
Thanks: Thanks to
sylum_river_tam  (Kris) for looking this over when I was half done and flailing over characterization, to darsynia  for her cheerleading. To alleonh  and xdawnfirex  for their beta duties. And finally to fiareynne  , my braintwin, birthday sister, ultimate cheerleader and the reason I’m writing Carson/Teyla in the first place; thank you for believing in me.
Author’s Notes:  Written for sgabigbang  2008. It must be noted that while I stick to basic plot outlines for seasons three and four, this is much more than simply sticking Carson into the episodes. Having Carson alive and well in the city changes the entire dynamic of the situations the citizens of Atlantis find themselves in. I do mess with timelines in certain places to make the story work, but I try to be as faithful to what was on the screen as I can be, just with added Scottish charm and romance. And sex.

All seven parts here
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