Dec 06, 2010 03:16
So today I had to pull a 24-hour shift. We get to sleep, but we're stuck at work for the whole day. Plus I have to work for 8 hours directly after this. Not the point.
I came in to work today and smelled the most inhuman form of BO I thought it was the female I worked with, who was coming off of her 24 hour shift. With a booty that large, you figure after that much work it can get raunchy. I was mistaken, the smell lingered after she left, thus clearing my opinion of her, but leaving the stench to, let's call him Hedor. I noticed as I came near him throughout the day, I smelled his stank ass, or whatever about his filthy body gave off the malodorous bouquet.
I figure I work 2 rooms away from the guy, I can avoid this stench for the most part. For about 12 hours this was true.
Then came sleep.
There's 2 bunk rooms, and a third was set up for our fourth person. I was unaware of the solitary matress at first, and got in the bunkroom with Hedor. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't grow accustomed to his stench; time only dulled the foul air for me. That wasn't the only reason I couldn't sleep--I've slept in worse conditions. However, I decided to leave the bunkroom and dick around on the watchfloor until I was tired.
When I came back to the bunkroom, I smelled it in the passageway on the way there. I thought I was jus imagining it, preparing myself for the impending horror, because the door was closed. No way one man's stink permeates that well in one hour.
I was wrong.
When I opened the door, I was hit with a wall of stonk. It smelled like Zombie Hulk Hogan decided to run 5 miles on a treadmill that had been set up for him in a sauna, where meanwhile Zombie Arnold Schwarzenegger did body-builders with a roadkill skunk shoved up his ass. After their warm-up, they had mutual monkey-butt-rape until they didn't know where one man's decaying flesh began and the other ended.
I slept in the spare room set up down the hall.
Two hours later, another coworker wakes me up when his shift is over, informing me that he'd set up the bunkroom for the same reason I was using it. We whispered about Hedor's stonk, and thank god he was going on next, so I could still sleep. Problem was, the room was so bad I thought I was going to choke. I had to crawl up onto the bunk he had been sleeping on, all the while staving off nausea, just to crack the window. Instant relief.
The guy down the hall called out to me that I was an asshole for blowing it down his way. I didn't care, I slept like a baby.