Quick Prompt

Apr 22, 2011 07:49

Even now, he could feel the Grid below him slightly derezz, then it would crack and fall into oblivion. Staring down at the darkness, he wondered where the dead programs had gone to? Were they re-writen into the code once again? Clenching his left hand into a fist, the Viral infection looked around before he turned and started to walk again. He would destroy the Grid, because he had seen Her true face.

She was worse than a User. She wasn't human, but she was /far/ worse. She knew how to destroy if it came down to it, Abraxas (as he came to call himself) had known from the beginning of becoming his former self that the Grid was something horrible, and that User KevinFlynn had created her to destory, rebuild and destroy once again. User KevinFlynn and Security Program Tron must be destoryed, because they would stop his destruction of the Grid.

When he appeared, as the Viral Infection for the first time a new Program had derezzed his disc. Program Anon. Abraxas touched anything he could as he had escaped. One ISO had been eaten away because of his Viral Touch. Now alone, again, he knows his time is almost up. He had to destory Her. The infection was dying; Abraxas left his "hiding" spot and with the last flickers of his circuits, he slammed his palm upon Tron's Identity Disc, corrupting his coding.

That... would teach the Users. He knew, with CLU2 rising to power, that She would be dead... finally.

abraxas; tron: evolution tron

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