
May 12, 2012 16:39

So about 45,723 things are going on right now, none of which I want to think about. So I'll just talk about this one thing, except only kind of, because issa secret.

Gist: Somebody told me something (drunkenly, of course) that they weren't really supposed to tell me. They didn't tell me that much, but enough, and they definitely didn't realize that telling me was not like telling someone else who, say, isn't knee-deep in the wonderful world of fandom. And they really definitely didn't realize that the bits they did let slip would be catalogued with the information already in my freakish little brain, information that only a complete television/fandom nerd would have stowed away in there, and that some of the blanks they left in the story they told me would be filled in by my own...well, geekdom.

And see, I'd really like to work some of this out with people who might be of the same geek level to help flesh out the dirt, as it were, but the internet realm is a fickle mistress and there are a lot of folks who are bonkers around here.

Rawr. Frustrating thing is frustrating. Similarly, frustrating life is frustrating.

They should have therapists who specialize in fandom.


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