Apr 03, 2007 06:52
To the Fairy Tale Ball!
Chi Gamma chapter of Sigma Kappa Delta extends an invitation to the first annual Fairy Tale Ball!
When: Friday, April 13, from 7:00-9:30pm
Where: PRC Cougar Den
Cost: $5 per person
What: Dress up like your favorite literary or fairy tale character to win prizes! Costumes are encouraged, but not mandatory. We will also have refreshments, games, and dancing, of course!
Please RSVP by Monday, April 9th to sigmakappadelta@ccccd.edu
We hope to see you there!
I will offer five points of extra credit (since this is a paid event), to be attributed to your lowest paper grade. As always, in order to receive the extra credit, you must not only attend the event, but also compose a one-and-a-half to two-page response, explaining some way the event expanded your knowledge base.
extra credit,
sigma kappa delta